Ecotourism is a popular form of tourism based on the appreciation and conservation of environment. Scroll the lines below for its benefits.

Benefits Of Ecotourism

The basic idea that many people have of ecotourism is of going to a nature reserve, admiring the flora and fauna, and coming back rejuvenated. The concept though is not as simple as that. Its essential idea is to keep in check the carbon footprint that you leave when you go to any place. Thus, ecotourism concerns on your participation during the tour in benefiting the environment and the people. As such, an eco-tourist’s role is to conserve and improve the environment of the place he or she visits. It is much more than the love for travel and nature. In ecotourism, the focus is more on creating a sustainable future, where man and nature can coexist peacefully. It is also an educational drive where you learn to reduce your impact on nature. In this way, an eco-tourist also significantly cuts the impact of traditional tourism by learning the eco-friendly ways of living, and improving the livelihood of the local people. When touring a place you are surrounded by spectacular mountains, lakes, greenery, and breathtaking backgrounds. As you tread in the wonderful journey, you come across rural villages where life is still in its serene form. You will be charmed by their simplicity and will not be far from the richness of their traditions. As you travel along the way, take time to stop in villages, stay in rural homes, and enjoy the traditions and cultures of the local people. In return, they will also benefit from the income earned through tourism, and during the travel, your share of the carbon footprint would also be minimal. Ecotourism is the fastest growing sector in the industry today and there are many benefits. Read the article below to know many such advantages in appreciating nature economically and ecologically. 
 Advantages  Of Ecotourism 
  • It is low impact tourism, where people make a conscious effort to appreciate the environment, conserve the natural resources, and re-invest sufficient amount of revenues in protecting natural habitat.
  • Ecotourism is good for the local community, as it provides employment, services and stimulates the economy. It helps in energy conservation and protects the plants and animals from the effects of traditional tourism.
  • Ecotourism offers new opportunities for small-scale investments and increases the national responsibility in protecting biological resources. Especially in developing countries, it is a means of socio-economic and environmental upliftment.
  • Ecotourism provides recreational and educational travel without disturbing the harmony of the natural environment. It helps in reaping the benefits by the participation of people in the conservation of the flora and fauna.
  • Visiting a national park or protected area will contribute towards the park maintenance in the form of fees for the staff taking care of it.
  • You can admire the craftwork made by local artisans and buying these from them will help their economy as well as conserve the local heritage.
  • You can go bird watching or walk through the forests exploring the different natural wonders, and stopping by villages to enjoy their cuisine, and lifestyle. 
  • Ecotourism can bring you closer to nature, open up to new ideas, take you to places less travelled, and give you a wonderful new experience without harming the environment.
  • Ecotourism is a rapidly growing business and can provide the best of all the worlds. With the business of ecotourism growing, it will provide employment to the local people and will ensure that fewer people leave for the cities. The local population will gain new skills, so, they will not be totally dependent on the limited natural resources.
  • Ecotourism is becoming very popular nowadays especially in adventure trips such as mountain climbing, white water rafting, bird watching etc. In such travels, the visitors are expected to clean up the mess before leaving and hence natural habitat is kept undisturbed. 

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