A balanced diet for women is a must, for they have to endure more than men. Explore the article to find some healthy tips on a balanced diet for women.

Balanced Diet For Women

Women need to take extra care of their diet as they have to endure more than men. A women’s body has to handle multiple changes, such as pregnancy, and breast-feeding, and a healthy diet can go a long way in keeping them hale and hearty through all these changes. A balanced diet menu for women includes all the essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in recommended quantities. Anything missed out can have a significant bearing on their health in the longer run. In case you want to know about what comprises of a healthy diet for women, follow the article.
Healthy Diet Tips For Women
High Fiber Intake
Women over 50 are medically recommended to consume 21 grams of fiber a day, while women below 50 should have a fiber intake of 25 grams per day. Fiber is a very essential component of our diet as it facilitates slow absorption of glucose, which keeps the sugar levels normal in the blood stream. Fiber makes you feel full early, so including it in your daily diet will help you not to overeat. All bran cereals, beans, peas and cabbage are a rich source of fiber.
Essential Vitamins
Vitamins are very essential for women’s health as vitamin deficiencies can result in related health issues. Women are recommended to consume 700 mcg a day of vitamin A, 10 mcg a day of vitamin D for women above 50 and 5 mcg a day for women below 50, 15 mg a day of vitamin E and 75 mg a day of vitamin C. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a rich source of vitamins and should be included in the daily diet by women. Pregnant women should be more particular about their daily vitamin intake.
Sufficient Iron
A balanced diet for women is incomplete, unless it is packed with a sufficient amount of iron. Low iron intake can lead to anemia and other iron related disorders. Thus, women of all ages need to be very cautious about their iron intake. Green leafy vegetables, beetroot, almonds, hazelnuts, soya beans, kidney and liver are excellent sources of iron.
Calcium For Bones
Women should take ample care to include calcium in their daily diet as they are at a high risk of developing osteoporosis. To prevent this condition in women, a calcium intake of 1,000 milligrams a day is recommended as mandatory. Women, who are in their post-menopausal period, should have a daily intake of 1,500 milligrams of calcium. Foods like yogurt, skimmed milk and cheese and other milk products are rich sources of calcium and should be made a part of your daily diet.
Eating Patterns
Women should also take care of their eating patterns, as a healthy meal should also be eaten at the right time to absorb maximum benefits from it. It needs to be taken care of that meals should not be skipped due to a busy routine. This may also lead to binge eating and consumption of saturated fats, which are very unhealthy. A healthy and balanced diet for women should ideally be divided into five meals in a day.

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