Read about bagel nutrition facts if you’re looking for a healthy and yummy way to start your day without having to feel the pain of hunger through dieting.

Bagel Nutrition Facts

What’s the one thing apart from the English language that connects the three stalwart countries of US, UK, and Canada? Okay we’ll give you a hint - it’s a ring of a thing that you eat. Yes, it’s a bagel. To those who’re unknown to bagel, it is a bread product shaped through hand into the form of a ring made from yeasted wheat dough, which is first boiled in water and then baked. A bagel in breakfast to these countries is what aalu-paratha is to India. It is a common practice to have bagels topped with various seeds like sesame or poppy for a breakfast. It can be made either sweet or spicy, depending on the taste preference with ingredients like vegetables, fruits, nuts, and artificial flavorings. Read further to know about the nutritional value of bagel and its health benefits.
Nutritional Value Of Bagel
Serving: 1 Bagel (3 inch diameter, 57 g)
Basic Components
5.7 g
20.7 g
0.9 g
Total Calories
Calories from Carbohydrates
Calories from Fats
Calories from Proteins
Total Carbohydrates
29 g
Dietary Fiber
1.3 g
24.9 g
2.9 g
Fats and Fatty Acids
Total Fat
0.9 g
Saturated Fat
0.2 g
Monounsaturated Fat
0.3 g
Polyunsaturated Fat
0.4 g
Total Omega-3 Fatty Acids
36.5 mg
Total Omega-6 fatty Acids
328 mg
Vitamin C
0.6 mg
Vitamin E
0.1 mg
Vitamin K
0.6 mcg
0.3 mg
0.1 mg
2.3 mg
82.6 mcg
Pantothenic Acid
0.1 mg
8.7 mg
50.7 mg
3.4 mg
12.5 mg
49.6 mg
42.7 mg
255 mg
1.1 mg
0.1 mg
0.3 mg
13 mcg
Health Benefits Of Eating Bagel
  • Whole meal flour bagels digest at a slower rate, making one feel fuller for a longer duration during the day. This reduces the temptation of snacking in between meals and also helps one adapt to proper eating habits.
  • Bagels, because of its primary ingredient, wheat dough, are filled with minerals such as zinc, magnesium, selenium, thiamin, iron, folate, iron, and phosphorous that are essential for a healthy diet.
  • Bagels topped with linseeds and poppy seeds are a source of carbohydrate energy and are enriched with omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Bagels, eaten with onions and garlic, help to combat diseases caused by bacteria as they contain disulfides.
  • Bagel consumption forces one to drink large quantities of water that helps flushing the toxic wastes out of the body; thus providing relief from constipation. It also helps prevent other digestive ailments.
  • Carbohydrates and high fibre present in the bagels help reduce overall cholesterol levels, triglycerides, and LDL (bad cholesterol); thus reducing the risk of coronary heart disease by 26%. Adding oat, psyllium seeds, fruits and vegetables brings down the risk of heart attacks.
  • Also, bagel, being rich in carbohydrates, is recommended by doctors as a good option for people dealing with insomnia as a high carbohydrate diet increases serotonin that reduces anxiety and promotes sleep.
  • The amount of starch in the bread is reduced as bagels are boiled in water before baking. Doing so also makes the bagel chewier. Also, the more you chew, the properly is the food digested.
  • Dieticians recommend having bagel as a regular diet as it prevents weight gain. It is also a good alternative to white bread and is richer in nutritional value.
Now that you’ve read about the bagel health benefits, include these round little things to shed the roundness off your belly and stay fit from the inside.

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