Auto insurance claim follows a certain procedure in India. Check out information on motor car insurance claim procedures.

Auto Insurance Claim Procedure

Buying a new car in a family with your hard earned money is a big deal and a happy occasion. You wouldn’t want any kid of a tiny scratch to damage your car and would want it to look as good as new always. However, sometime unfortunate incidents may occur that may damage your vehicle and increase tension in your life. The best way to deal with such unforeseen circumstances is by getting auto insurance. Getting an insurance policy for a motor car will relieve you of chunking out a bulky amount in case of any untoward incident. Check out the procedure for auto insurance claim in India.
Image: Uriel 1998@flickr
Auto Insurance Claim Procedure
The following procedure should be adopted in case you want to claim auto insurance in case of theft, accident or third-party claims: 
  • The owner of the vehicle should write the number of the other vehicle in case of an accident or third party claim
  • The names of witness (if any) should also be written down
  • You would need to file an FIR with the nearest police station
  • The insured should contact the insurance company and get a claim number after this
  • Thereafter, a surveyor is appointed for quoting the approximate value of loss or damage
  • On the basis of that report, the concerned insurance company tries to send the amount to the person within a time span of 1-3 weeks
  • In some cases, an individual may be required to pay the repair charges himself and get it reimbursed later 
Essential Documents for Auto Insurance Claim
You will have to produce the following documents when you want to claim your insurance amount. There are different documents needed for different kind of claims, so you need to know what kind of an insurance claim you are putting forth.
Accident Claims Require:
  • Claim form duly signed
  • Driving license copy
  • FIR on a case-to-case basis
  • Original estimate
  • Original repair invoice, payment receipt from the service center
  • RC copy of the vehicle 
Third Party Claims Require:
  • Claim form duly signed
  • Driving license copy
  • Police FIR copy
  • RC copy of the vehicle 
Third Party Claims Require (Theft):
  • Claim form duly signed
  • Driving license copy
  • Original FIR copy
  • Original policy copy
  • RC copy of the vehicle
  • RTO transfer papers duly signed, mentioning that the vehicle cannot be located

How to Cite

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