Juggling home and office, any woman could be considered as a super-woman, in today’s world. However, what can be said about a woman who is as active as it gets? Encyclopedia may not have a term for such women but they do exist and more often than not, have to gratify themselves with less beauty and more brains. With no time to devote in front of the mirror, glamour has to take a lower statute. Busy and hectic lifestyle may not allow you to give prominence to yourself, but that shouldn’t stop you from looking your best. The ‘mantra’ and basically the ‘thumb rule’ to look beautiful effortlessly is to have a hair makeover. A quick to-do, practical and easy to manage kind and yet stylish and chic hairstyles is what you need. Athletic hairstyle is basically more about convenience than style but it doesn’t always have to be short, boring and un-girly. Athletic hairstyles vary from elementary to perplex avatars, from simple ponytails to complex braids. Remember to choose hairstyles, which let you look chic while at the same time keep the hair off the back of your neck and out of your eyes to keep you comfortable. So girlies and ladies, pull up your socks, fasten your laces and get sporty and spunky with new athletic hairstyles. Here are some quick tips on how to get ready with pre-game athletic hairstyles, be it a game of a funky sport or the game of your life.

Image: CamelCrusher1978@flickr
Best Athletic Hairstyles For Active Women
High Ponytails
High ponytails tied with elastic band suit active women who have short, medium, or long hair. It is an off the neck and out of the eyes style. For women who lark around, play games or go out for jogging/running can sport a headband with this style to keep the sweat off your face. It also gives a sportive look. You can also use styling gels to keep the hair in place.
Low Ponytails
Low ponytails tied with elastic band suit active women with any type of hair. It is also an off the neck and out of the eyes style. Tying a bandana around the head by folding it in a triangular shape will give a trendy look. It would also keep the hair in place without tangling the hair.
Single And Double Braids
Braid is a traditional hairdo used since a long time by women and even men. Single and double braids can be fastened on women with medium and long hair. For a single braid, take partition from the desired point starting from the forehead till the nape of the neck and make three equal divisions and plait it in a criss-cross manner. For a double braid, take partition from the middle of the forehead till the nape of the neck and make three equal divisions on each sides and plait two braids in the same criss-cross fashion. Fix the end with an elastic band or matching ribbons or laces.
French Braids
French Braids look very cute and adorable. Comb your hair back and remove all the tangles. Start plaiting from the crown of your hair subsequently joined by the sides of your hair followed by the hair at the nape and fix the end with elastic bands.
Cornrow Braids
This is one of the painful methods of plaiting your hair; however once done you don’t have to worry about it for weeks on end! Use water to moisten your hair to start up with the hairstyle. Take part from the middle of the forehead to the nape. Divide each part into three small sections. Braid each small part tightly and firmly to form cornrows, making it look like corns in the field. Finally secure it with an elastic band. The famous footballer David Beckham and great chefs like Belgian Waffle experiment with such hairstyles.
Mini Braids
Mini braid hairstyle gives liveliness to the sporty look for active women. To begin, start by taking partition from the middle or side way or off the centre. Then take small sections of hair from the front portion of your hair and start plaiting it till the tapering ends. Plait up to 3 or 4 on either sides and leave rest of the hair open or tie them together with an elastic band.
Short Hairstyles
Short Shag Hairstyles
This is one of the easiest to maintain and fashionable short haircuts for women. This is a short hair cut with a wavy punch. Take a partition from the sideway or just comb it back; apply styling wax to set the hair and the look to obtain prominent wavy ends throughout.
The Crop
The crop hairstyle is ideal for women with thick hair. This gives a messy and out of bed sexy look. The crop haircut is a random cut all-over the head with an unfinished look. Alternatively you could also opt for groomed look cut with even ends.
Short Hairstyles With Bangs
This hairstyle is on the top list and is on high demand for those women who want to sport short hair. Short hairstyles with bangs possess blunt bangs and the bang length depends on the shape of your face.
Pixie Hairstyles
Pixie hairstyles suits most of the face shapes. It is funky and delicately highlights your facial features. It is easy to maintain even in the hot summer and it can be shaped in different ways to match your mood and the event you attend. Although it is short, it is versatile and very feminine. It is short at the back and the sides but slightly longer in the top front side. Highlighting your hair with some color streaks gives a saucy look. Wearing a headband can give an attractive look. Many celebrities like Victoria Beckham, Katie Holmes, Sharon Stone, Rihanna and others have sported this hairstyle.