Nowadays being vegetarian is in vogue. Check out some useful health tips for vegetarians.

Health Tips For Vegetarians

If you remember all the PETA ads, one thing, which you notice except the raunchy ads, is that they attract the attention towards the cruelty against animals. In America itself, about 7 billion farm animals die or are slaughtered for production of flesh food each year. It is scary but true; when you relish the chicken, you don’t even know how they spent their whole life in a cage with floor space barely larger than a record-cover with more than five hens. Being vegan may seem presumptuous but when you know that most factory-farmed animals never get to see a blade of grass in their lifetime, you will know the extent of cruelty. So turning vegetarian is not only an option but also a favor done to the animals. You can get all the nutrition from all the vegetables too. Read on to know the health tips for vegetarian.
Vegetarian Health Tips
Go For Dark Green Vegetables
Remember that green vegetables are your salvation. Try having green vegetables at least three times a day and opt for fresh foods. If you have a yard, you can even have your own kitchen garden where you can produce green vegetables.
Drink Loads Of Water
It may sound clichéd but it is true to core. Have loads of water - at least six glass of water every day. Although avoid drinking water between or just after meals. If you are too thirsty, you can have a little warm water.
Reduce The Intake Of Refined Sugar
Because of excess intake of refined sugar, glands like pancreas and adrenal glands increase the production of adrenaline which is the stress hormone and increases the heart rate, anxiety, and stress level. Intake of excess refined sugar also reduces the immune system which in turn, makes the body susceptible to flu, colds and infections.
Don’t Overcook The Vegetables
Don’t overcook and don’t wash the vegetables too much as almost all the nutrients reside on the peel. Don’t use too much oil and never deep fry the food if you can afford it.
Have Salad
Have the salad dressing ready for all your cravings. The main health benefit provided by salad is the increases in fiber intake. Integrating salad into the daily diet is very advantageous for health.
Eat All Types Of Fruits
Fruits contain vitamins and minerals and keep us healthy naturally. They also contain antioxidants, or phytochemicals, which aid in protecting the body against diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Incorporate at least two types of fruits in your diet and have lots of fruit juices.
Go Organic
Organic fruits and vegetables are raised and grown without the aid of fertilizers, insecticides, and pesticides, thus come out all natural and healthier than the ones, which are grown with the non-organic substances. Some studies link these chemicals to cancer and other diseases and thus going organic helps us in preventing many diseases.
Add Proteins Through Nuts, Seeds And Nut Butters
 According to a study, people who ate nuts 5 times a week had half the risk of heart diseases as compared to those who hardly ever ate nuts. Walnuts, almonds, peanuts, etc helps in lowering blood cholesterol levels. Seeds, nuts, nut butter, and seed butter hold liberal amounts of phyto-chemicals that help in protecting against many types of cancer such as prostate, colon, and breast cancer.
Have Soy And Soy Products

Soy and soy products are rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids and fiber and B-vitamins. They also contain high amounts of all the proteins, which include all essential amino acids. They promote healthy heart and bones, help in preventing cancer, and alleviate menopausal symptoms.

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