In order to become a chartered psychologist, one has several branches of psychology to choose from. Glance through this article to find out the different types/kinds of psychology.

Types Of Psychology

Since ages, the mind and behavior of a human being is being observed and studied. While in most cases, the behavior of human beings is studied, there have been studies that devote towards studying animal behavior as well. This study of human nature and understanding of the kind of behavior, along with the varied reasons behind it, is known as psychology. If you happen to visit a psychiatrist, do not be surprised to find his unfamiliar specialization listed under his name. Yes, this complicated field has as many as 56 divisions. Though most of the types are extremely different from each other, yet each one is somewhere or the other correlated with the other one. Continue browsing through the lines that follow to learn about different types of psychology. 
Different Kinds Of Psychology
Abnormal Psychology
The study of behavioral, emotional and mental aberrations is termed as abnormal psychology. Mostly, psychopathology and clinical psychology are used to determine the change in the natural and abnormal behavioral patterns, undertaken by an individual. Abnormal psychology is best utilized for diagnosing, treating and preventing several psychological disorders, such as neuroses, psychoses, personality disorders and mental retardation.
Biological Psychology
Biological psychology comprises of the study of mental frame about the reactions taking place in the nervous system. Not only does it involve genetics, evolution and brain that affects a person’s behavior, it is also connected with the behavior of a person at certain circumstances and situations. Neuropsychology and physiological psychology are the two specializations that biological psychology offers.
Clinical Psychology
All stress and dysfunctions arising due to various psychological reasons are catered to by a clinical psychologist. Apparently, the largest field of psychology, clinical psychology largely helps in diagnosing and treating mental disorders and personal problems. Forensic testimony and clinical neuropsychology are the two areas that are extensively researched in this kind of psychology.
Educational Psychology
The branch of psychology that focuses on how people learn is called educational psychology. This is achieved by studying the organizational structure of schools, universities and other institutions, developing policies and instructional materials and passing them on to the teachers, school administration and guidance counselors, for the betterment of the students and the school, as a whole.
Health Psychology
Relatively a new branch of psychology, health psychology is concerned with the implications of various psychological principles and actions on a person’s health. Smoking, weight gain, stress and fitness largely affect a person’s attitudes, behavior and illnesses. It is the job of a health therapist to help such people deal with health concerns and disorders, such as quitting smoking, skin care in the sun and promoting safer sex.  
Organizational Psychology
One of the most significant types of psychology, this kind is highly effective in a business organization. Organizational psychology mainly covers the relationship of an employee with his job, colleagues and the association. An organizational psychologist undertakes the job of studying a human’s behavior through career counseling, cross-training, retirement planning and job productivity.  
Social Psychology
The society, that we live in, largely affects our behaviors, feelings and thoughts. Thus, social psychology includes the thinking of a person, his influences over people and his relations with other people. Such a branch of psychology generally covers attraction, aggression, leadership, prejudice, attitude and opinions. Furthermore, pop culture, group behavior and the media are also grouped under social psychology.
Other Types of Psychology:
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Comparative Psychology
  • Consumer Psychology
  • Counseling Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Evolutionary Psychology
  • Family Psychology
  • Forensic Psychology
  • Geriatric Psychology
  • Global Psychology
  • Legal Psychology
  • Media Psychology
  • Occupational Psychology
  • Personal or Personality Psychology
  • Physiological Psychology
  • Positive Psychology
  • Quantitative Psychology
  • School Psychology
  • Sports Psychology 

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