Helmets have been in use since ancient times. The earliest use of head gear resembling the modern day helmets was recorded from nearly 900 BC. The importance of helmets has grown four-folds through the 3000 years. Today, helmets have become a part of civilian life and are mostly associated with dangerous work areas or sports. The overall structure and outlook of the helmets have also undergone extreme changes. From the gross iron-based drums of the past to the more lightweight yet sturdy and strong materials with high durability, helmets have definitely come of age.
Though a helmet is the most relevant and important part of a protective suit, it is often seen as bothersome and inconvenient gear, which is why most people tend to avoid it. No matter whether you like it or not, helmets have been enforced on cyclists and motorists in many countries of the world, for their safety and protection. There are common misconceptions connected to helmets, as some feel using helmets can cause hair fall and other complications. Though researchers are looking into these claims, nothing is still certain. Coming back to the uses of helmets, around the world different helmets are used for various purposes. Join us as we go round the globe and study the common types of helmets used.
Different Kinds Of Helmets
Combat Helmets
As the name suggests, these are the direct descendents of the actual forefathers of the helmet family. These helmets are used for military purposes, which range from head protection to gas masking. Combat helmets were also used by Romans and Greeks as well as all the forces of ancient, medieval and modern warfare. These helmets were also a part of the gladiator costumes. The leather version was used by tank personnel in the First World War. There are different types of military helmets available. Some of them are the PHG helmets that are used against poison gases, and the bone domes, which are helmets used by some aircraft pilots who have an inbuilt visor and oxygen mask attached to these.
Two-Wheeler Helmets
The most common amongst the various types of helmets, these helmets are worn by cyclists and motorcycle riders. The cyclists wear well aired yet sturdy helmets, which help in protection, while keeping the head cool. The motorcycle riders wear helmets, which are full face, open face, modular or half helmet. Professional riders wear helmets, which are specifically designed for their sport. Their helmets are specially designed to withstand far greater impacts than normal accidents.
Sports Helmet
Each sport has its own peculiar design of helmet. Also, the use of helmets depends upon the demands of the game. For example, it is important to use helmets in contact sports like ice hockey and American football, but in cricket, a batsman can wear a helmet or not, as per his wish. For professional motor racing, helmets are compulsory. Apart from those mentioned, helmets are also used in sports like baseball, Australian football, scuba diving and extreme sports. Extreme sports have mandatory enforcements of helmets on all participants during competitions.
Occupational Helmets
Occupational helmets are never optional and always necessitated via safety regulations. You may have noticed this near construction areas. There are always sign boards that warn you of impending danger. As such, you require wearing helmets before entering such premises. Such helmets can be hard hats too, which protect head from light weight yet dangerous debris or specialized helmets like miners’ helmet (with lighting) or welder’s helmet (with eye protection).
Emergency & Protective Troop Helmets
These are protective head gears worn by people who serve in emergency situations. These include policemen from various cities (for example London’s symbolic Custodian helmets), firefighters, lifeguards, SWAT teams and Riot squads around the world. These are instrumental in protecting the wearers against any kind of attack, thereby safeguarding his/her life.