A toothache can be one of the most horrible pains you could have. Find out tooth pain causes in this article.

Tooth Pain Causes

People, young and old, are averse to visiting a dentist. There are people who refuse to go in for an oral examination, unless they suffer such excruciating pain that the pain overpowers their fear of the dentist. The problem is not with the dentist, but with a person’s fear or pain. A toothache can be really excruciating, and people prefer to stay away from anyone or anything, that is associated with it. A toothache can be aggravated by chewing, or by hot or cold temperature. The cause of a toothache can be identified by means of an oral examination and an X-ray. If there is a very severe pain, this is considered to be a dental emergency. There are also some simple remedies to ease the pain, such as application of clove oil, alcohol, or gargling with warm salt water. 
Symptoms And Causes Of Toothache 
A sharp pain is experienced while biting down. This could also be a continuous sharp pain, which seems like a sword is piercing into the tooth and gums.
  • Tooth decay or a cracked tooth.
  • A loose filling.
  • A dental infection inside the tooth pulp where the nerve exists 
Severe pain, swelling, and pressure in the mouth which refuses to go away even after a few days have elapsed.
  • An abscess, which is an infection in the tooth, gum, or bone tissue. 
The pain is not very sharp or severe but there is a nagging pain in the jaw and upper teeth.
  • A sinus infection. This can often result in a sinus headache, radiating down into the upper jaw because of its close proximity to it.
  • Bruxism, or frequent grinding of the teeth will cause pain in the upper jaw due to pressure on the temporomandibular joint. 
A pain in the ear, neck, or head that refuses to go away even as days go by.
  • Pulp tissue might be damaged.
  • Pulp tissue might be infected.
  • Problems with the temporomandibular joint. 
Sensitivity of teeth to heat or cold after receiving dental treatment.
  • Nerves in the pulp layer of the teeth are disturbed due to treatment. This is normal since dental treatment aggravates sensitivity of the teeth. 
Infrequent, but recurring discomfort in teeth when they exposed to heat or cold.
  • A loose filling.
  • A portion of your gums might be pulling away from your tooth and a bit of the root surface might be exposed. If this happens, this usually results in sensitivity of the tooth.
  • The enamel of the tooth might be wearing off. 
Lingering pain in one or more teeth after eating something hot or cold.
  • Damage due to fracture of the tooth.
  • Damage due to tooth decay.

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