Worrying about how kindergarten will turn out for your kid? Don’t worry and read this article on social skills before kindergarten that will equip him/her with confidence and problem solving nature.

Social Skills Before Kindergarten

If your child is soon about to reach an age when it will be deemed “ready” to be sent to kindergarten so that it can take the first step towards brilliance and excellence; wait and zoom in on your own first day at kindergarten. Were you ready? Did you take the first step easily? Surely, an unspoken anxiety followed by loud squeaks is how it would have been. Moving out of the comfort zone of your parents’ love and loved ones’ care to an unknown territory where you didn’t exactly know why you were is what you must have been going through your mind. But slowly you made your terms with it, albeit uncomfortably. Now it seems it all turned out alright, does it? Well, it could have turned out a whole lot better and didn’t had to be an uncomfortable affair if your parents had worked on your social skills. If at all you’re worried how your kid is going to react and respond to things, you should concentrate all your energies to this and read closely. Your kid doesn’t have to wait till kindergarten to begin learning, it can start now. Developing social skills of kids in an organized way will make them more confident at kindergarten. And sooner these social skills are developed in children, the better it’ll be for them in the long run. Read on to know about what social skills need to be developed before your kid starts kindergarten.
Pre Kindergarten Social Skills
Basic Skills
Most of all, it’s important that children learn to communicate without hesitation at an early age. They should be able to communicate their needs and feelings in a socially acceptable manner. Make them understand that hitting, yelling, crying, and throwing stuff at others will only increase their troubles and will make things more difficult. They should learn to play with other kids, share, and take turns while being polite. By telling them that you’re proud of the things they’ve done right, you can improve their self esteem and confidence that will carry them in all stages of life.
Academic Skills
Children love to learn, give them anything to learn and ask them if they can do it, they’ll definitely try to prove that they can. Take advantage of this make them learn alphabets and numbers by making it fun. Start by teaching them the alphabet song, it’s easy to memorize and is catchy. Blocks of alphabets can also be used that will not only make leaning fun but will help your child get a hold of what’s what. Use the bedtime stories as a foundation to teach them how alphabets form words. Colors and basic shapes are other two things that they should learn before heading to kindergarten. Using coloring books that feature shapes can be of help.
You can’t be there to take care of your kid during the kindergarten days and later; the kid pretty much needs to understand to take care of itself. This can’t be taught though, it is only through conditioning that your kid will come to learn of it. Start early and whatever your child does, let it do it without much redirection or constantly having to scold for every little mistake. Rather than babying the child, let your child play in a group unsupervised. However, at the same time, don't be absolutely indulgent and instead, keep a secret watch. Let your child tie its own shoes, pack and unpack the bags, dress and undress, bath and wipe, use the toilet, and the likes on its own. Make the child remember your phone number so that if anything goes wrong, it knows which number to call to.
Right Vs Wrong
The most important aspect that children should be made aware of as early as possible is the difference between right and wrong. Before kindergarten, the only guiding and authoritative figures that your children will come across are you: the parents. Not only should your children learn to know the difference between what’s right and what’s not, they should also learn to recognize and respect authority. Without going deep, teach them these rights and wrongs as do’s and don’ts. What your children are likely to come across in school should be taught early in playgroups or in the social circle of little ones. These rules will guide them not only in kindergarten but also in community and life.
Everything your child needs is in these pre kindergarten social skills that are there to help and guide, protect and create prospects. Make sure to have a firm hand over the proceedings without going overboard and strict.

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