In today’s fast-paced world where ‘time’ is indeed a concern, finding time for your little one is indeed a challenge. Professional demands and personal commitments often get you running, leaving you and your kid squeezed out of quality time together. Even before you would realize, your kids would be all grown up and ready to go off on their own, leaving you wishing for the bygone days of their childhood to come back. Spending time with your child bears a great impression on his/her upbringing. Not only does it styles his value and makes him feel loved and wanted, it is also exposes him to the virtues of having a family and rears him up as a loving, responsible adult. As children grow older, they start claiming for their own space. However, most children still like to have their parents around. Being there for them when they need you is the best thing you can gift your children. So, put all your obligations and schedules on the back burner for some time, and get going with your kid. Here are some simple things that you and your little one can engage in to make up for the lost time. Read on.
Ways To Spend Quality Time With Children
- Bedtime stories are one fun way to catch up with your little one and spend some quality time together. With hectic schedule taking in most of your day-time, bedtime stories is indeed a perfect excuse to team up with your kid and make up for all the lost time and fun. Just grab a story book and read it to your kid or better get creative and make up your own fun story. This is a great way to bond with your child and give him a happy childhood. The two of you can also share how things fared for the entire day.
- Children just love outdoors. Taking them out for a walk or to the neighborhood park or beach strolls may be a great idea. Indulging them in outdoor sports will not only add up to their fun and enjoyment, but will also keep them away from the play stations and television. So, just run down the streets with your kid and have a happy time together.
- Family vacations are one brilliant idea to make up for all the lost time and rejuvenate your parched nerves. All you need to do is pack your bags and go hitchhiking and camping. Not only will it be a great learning experience for your child, but also give him/her the opportunity to bond with you.
- Dinner is considered to be an important meal, since it is this time of the day when members of a family can unite and pour their hearts out over plates of meal. Make it a point to dine with your kid every night. It will help him/her to pick up on great family values and learn the importance of sharing. As for you, family dinners give you the time to catch up with your child’s daily events.
- Is your child growing up to be a couch potato? Turning off the tube and encouraging your child to participate in board games may help. If they still insist on watching TV, just team up with them and indulge in educational and informative shows.
- If you are unable to give out much time to your child, you can make up for it by taking the little one out for shopping, picking groceries or even when you are visiting a relative or friend. Not only you will get to spend time with your child, it will also help him/her participate in household chores and learn a bit of socializing too.
- Encouraging your child to take up their favorite sport is always a smart bet for parents. Not only will it grow up as a positive hobby, it will help you and your kid bond over a game of basketball or cricket. It will also make him/her more confident and active.
- Helping your child with his homework will not only help him with his lessons and stay active in classroom, it will also help you to catch up with your child’s academic progress and help both of you spend time together.