Known for its strength and fast bonding, removing super glue can be a tricky situation. Nonetheless, learn how to remove super glue by browsing through the tips given here.

How To Remove Super Glue

Considered to be one of the strongest and fastest bonding adhesives in the market today, super glue is widely used because of its versatility and easy application. Whether it is a small hole in your shoe or a crack in your favorite teacup, a drop of super glue is enough to make amends and do the job, which explains as to why it is the most preferred adhesive by most craftsmen, hobbyists, contractors, and household workers. But since it bonds so strongly and rapidly, super glue is likely to bond your fingers or other objects onto itself, thereby creating another problem for you. Nonetheless, this highly sticky substance can be made non-sticky simply by treating it with its enemy: acetone. Find out how you can remove super glue easily from different surfaces with these handy tips.
Tips On Removing Super Glue
From Clothes/Fabrics
Place the fabric or piece of clothing affected by super glue on an iron safe surface. Place a paper towel on the area containing the super glue. Warm the iron and press it onto the spot where the super glue lies. Gradually increase the heat of the iron until the super glue melts. The paper towel will absorb the melted glue. Replace the paper towel with a new one and iron again until all the glue has been removed.
From Glass
Ideally you shouldn’t be using super glue to bond glass applications. However, if any glass comes in contact with the glue, soak a cotton ball in acetone. Place the dipped cotton ball over the glass affected with glue. Allow the acetone to sit over the glue for a minute or two. When the glue starts to dissolve, wipe the surface clean with a fresh cotton ball. If the glue doesn’t come off, scrape it with a razor, but make sure that the glass is not tinted; else the razor will leave marks.
From Metal
Put on a pair of latex gloves to protect your skin from the chemical to be used. Purchase acetone or nail polish remover and dab some amount onto a rug or a large cotton swab. Apply the chemical directly onto the super glue and wipe until it starts to soften. Ensure that you do not apply the chemical onto any unaffected areas or the metal will tarnish. Using a plastic scraper, lift the loosened glue and wrap it up in a paper towel before disposing it in the bin, lest it gets stuck to the bin. Wash the metal surface with warm, soapy water and sponge. Dry with a cotton cloth.
From Countertops & Laminate Flooring
You can use either nail polish remover or acetone to get rid of super glue from these surfaces. However, first, test the solution in an obstructive spot so that it does not damage the surface. Dab a little chemical onto the super glue and leave it for few seconds. Scrape off the glue gently until all the glue has been removed. Sand any glue remainders, using very fine sand paper.
From Skin
If you happen to get your skin in contact with super glue, firstly calm down and do not try to tear or force the glue apart. This will only rip your skin without removing the glue. Soak the affected area in an acetone-based nail polish remover. After the glue has been dissolved, wash the area with soap and water. If you do not have nail polish remover, immerse the bonded area in warm, soapy water. Roll the skin gently to break open the bond. Repeat until the skin is free of glue.
That’s all on how you can remove super glue from different surfaces. The next time you use super glue, handle it with caution, lest you face the same problem again.

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