Making a needle float on water is a very easy process, if you follow certain simple steps. Go through the article, to know more on how to make a needle float.

How To Make Needle Float

What happens when you put a needle in a container filled with water? It sinks, as it has a density that is higher than that of water. One of the unique characteristics of water, is its high surface tension. However, to teach kids this concept can be a little taxing, due to the complexities involved. Nonetheless, there are simple science experiments that would help you in teaching the children the idea behind surface tension. The water molecules get strongly attracted to each other, creating the surface tension that helps in making the needle float. In the following lines, we have provided some methods on how to make a needle float on water.
Making A Needle Float On Water
Using Oil
Materials Required
  • Small Container
  • Water
  • Needle
  • Oil 
  • The first step would be to fill water in a small container. Keep the container aside, until the water comes to a standstill.
  • In the meanwhile, coat the needle with oil. You can use any type of oil, right from cooking oil to the natural body oil.
  • Now, place the needle slowly in the water. The oil increases the resistance to the surface tension of the water and makes it easier to float. However, be careful while putting the needle in the water, as the tip might break the surface tension.
  • Place the needle in a way that it displaces as much water at the same time as possible. This would help in spreading out the force of the water on the surface of water. 
Using Toilet Paper
Materials Required
  • Small Container
  • Water
  • Needle
  • Toilet Paper
  • Scissors 
  • The first step would be to fill a container with water, until the level reaches the brim.
  • Now, cut the toilet paper in such a way that it is a little bigger than the needle in all dimensions.
  • Place the needle on top of the paper.
  • Gently place the paper on the water. Ensure that the paper is floating on top of the water.
  • After some time, you would notice that the paper has sunk but the needle is proudly floating atop.
  • Now, gently pull out the toilet paper without disturbing the water much. 
Using Magnet
Materials Required
  • Small Container
  • Water
  • Needle
  • Magnet 
  • The first step would be to rub the needle with a magnet. Make sure you rub it vigorously.
  • Now, fill a container with water and allow it to settle.
  • Place the needle on the surface of the water. The magnetism would hold the needle in place and make it float in water.

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