Alkaline water does wonder when it comes to removing toxins from the body and neutralizing acidic diets. Read this article and master techniques of making alkaline water at home.

How To Make Alkaline Water

If you intend on living a healthy lifestyle, you definitely can’t leave water out of the equation. You need to be well hydrated and consistently consume rich minerals in order to survive. However, did you know that every fluid in our system must be alkaline as opposed to acidic or neutral? The water we swallow determines the level of pH inside our body. The primary purpose of creating alkaline water is to neutralize the acidity in our body, due to ingestion of acidic meals. Many health specialists highlight that acidity destroys our organs and hampers our mental processes. Bingeing on vegetables and fruits is a good way to combat the threat, but what is even better is to make water alkaline. From what we know, the alkalinity or acidity of a solution is measured on a scale of 0 to 14 (pH level). If the pH level of water reads above 7, then it is alkaline. Learn to make alkaline water as you follow the steps listed below.
Making Alkaline Water 
There are three different ways to make alkaline water. Either by using a distiller, a water ionizer or simply adding alkaline ingredients into the water!
This method is famous for killing and eliminating all sorts of bacteria or viruses. The heavy metals and other contaminants are driven away as well through distillation. The process entails converting water into steam and then condensing it back into water. The impurities and toxic substance gets removed in the process and water becomes alkaline!
Using A Water Ioniser
For this, you need to first look out for a water source that contains calcium and magnesium, as the electricity within these minerals needs to be exploited. Next, run the water over a positive and negative electrode to electrically enhance it. The process would effectively draw a thick line between the acidic water (30%) and alkaline water (70%). The alkaline water can be used for drinking, while the acidic water can be best employed for killing bacteria outside of the body. If you use a reverse osmosis water filter to separate the two, you could add a pH boosting supplement to the water.
Addition Of Alkaline Ingredients
  • Make a glass of lemon water and detoxify your liver and kidneys! Squeeze a half cut lemon into your water and savor the freshness! It is one of the most reliable alkalizing solutions!
  • Dissolving a hydrate of any metal oxide is a standard way of achieving alkalinity of water. The best option in this case would be to use baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), as it is readily available in most households.  The moment baking soda dissolves in water, it loses its ionic bond to produce Na+ ions and HCO3- ions. The HCO3ions quickly react with the water to form carbonic acid which, in turn, decomposes to give rise to vapors of carbon dioxide and purified water (leaving sodium hydroxide to settle at the bottom)! However, while in the process, remember not to add more than 10g of baking soda into the water.
  • You can also pounce upon products such as bleaching powder sulphate or carbonate which is just about as effective in making water alkaline. Simple soapy water is also alkaline, but never fit for consumption. While making the water alkaline through these addition, make sure you wear gloves to be on the safer side!

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