“You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely." – Roald Dahl. This was true a long time ago and still is in many ways! But, with current trends catching up, people have become more conscious of the way they look and want to have a perfectly chiseled face with no extra flab. The main reasons why a double chin occurs are water retention, ageing, genetic factors and finally, obesity. There are several things that are resorted to as a cure for double chin viz., liposuction and crash dieting etc. However, there are much easier, cheaper and more effective ways to reduce the chin fat. A good diet and proper workout regime will take you to a more toned face cut in just a few weeks, or less, depending on the body metabolism rate. If you think you see a double chin, then waste no time and look straight into the next piece of information!

Image: Mishelle Lane@flickr
Getting Rid Of Double Chin
Omega 3 fatty acids and Omega 6 oils have more benefits than you can imagine. They help your skin on the face to soften from inside and thus improving elasticity. So, when you lose weight, the skin is flexible to move back and forth and your double chin will be gone soon!
While you are standing, lift your head upwards in such a way that your head is tilted towards the ceiling. Pucker your lips out and do an air-kiss in the same position. Hold for about 5 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.
It is said that if you reduce your salt intake, then naturally the water content in your system is lowered (salt encourages storage of water) and water retention cannot occur. But if you drink about 8 glasses of water a day, then the salt is said to be diluted hence, no retention.
Another facial exercise you could use is as follows. Sit on a chair, keeping your spine straight, and gently rotate your head from side to side. Do this exercise without any jerky movements. After a few side to side moves, do a complete head roll! If you are unable to do a circular motion, stick to semi circles. Do this about 3-5 times.
The most obvious way to lose a double chin is lose the fat all over! This translates to doing more cardio and weight training exercises that build your metabolism and polish off the fat covering the muscle underneath. The jaw line is a problem area for some people and exercising the whole body is a fit-all solution to it.
Eat fibrous food such as the greens and other vegetables. About 2-3 servings are a must. Too high an intake of fruits is not good as they contain natural sugars. Avoid any oily foods such as chips, fried foods and the ones that contain high amount of sugar such as ice creams, chocolates, candy etc.
Chewing sugar free gum keeps your facial and jaw muscles in motion. The muscles in the jaw are responsible for keeping your chin intact too. Facial expressions are also retained by the help of this method.
Another way is the way you stand. Make sure your chin is lifted and you are always standing straight. Tilting the head at an angle is good only when you are being photographed!
If none of this is working, there is loophole in making your double chin look lesser. Get a golden face tan. This makes the face appear thinner and sharper.