We look at actors and actresses on television and it’s almost as if their complexions and skins cast a spell on us. It is but natural for you also to yearn for that flawless complexion which looks no less than a preserve of the privileged. Having a bad or unhealthy complexion can be a quite a prestige issue amongst people especially women. It can also make them lose confidence when they see their counterparts with better complexions. This is because skin is the most prominent part of our image and is first thing that is observed by others. Complexion is essentially the natural color and appearance of the skin of a person and human skin usually ranges from dark brown to pinkish white. Some men and women are blessed with naturally fair skins while others have to struggle hard to maintain that look. However, in general, people from sunny regions tend to have darker skin than those from colder regions. In fact, even the celebrities are not always bestowed with a naturally glowing skin. Most of their pictures are airbrushed and they spend hours dabbing with make up before coming on the screen. But that doesn’t mean that you have to do the same. You can adopt some very easy natural measures to get a better complexion than your current one. Go through the information below for tips on how to improve skin complexion.

Image: tommerton2010@flickr
Ways To Improve Complexion Of Skin
Moisturize Your Skin
You must keep moisturizing your skin at regular intervals. Applying a nourishing cream at night before you retire for the day helps rejuvenate the skin and makes it soft and supple.
Drink Plenty Of Water
Drinking plenty of water is a great and easy way of keeping the skin moist and hydrated. A tota lof eight to ten glasses of water per day flushes out all the toxins from your body and thereby helps in brightening your skin complexion.
Get Adequate Sleep
Apart from drinking plenty of water, it is also necessary to catch up on adequate sleep on a daily basis. This is the easiest of all beauty treatments which is also among the most effective. If you think the term ‘beauty sleep’ is just another old wives’ tale, you are mistaken. Seven to eight hours of sound sleep is the minimum that your body needs. This helps a lot in preventing wrinkling of skin, dark circles and dull and puffy eyes.
Use Sandalwood
Sandalwood is considered to be the best home remedy for treating dark skin. It is one of the most expensive, exotic and aromatic plants that we know of. It is immensely useful in treating many skin problems like acne, rashes, spots, itching and freckles etc. It works great as a cooling agent and stimulant and is also known to protect the skin from the sun’s rays. Sandalwood also has anti-aging properties that retain the smoothness of the skin.
Keep Your Hair Away
Hair is exposed to a lot of dust and pollution and sometimes it also carries oil and dandruff which do not, in any way, help in improving your skin complexion. If your hair tends to come in constant contact with your face, you can tie it back so that nothing touches your face or forehead.
Consume Plenty Of Fruits And Vegetables
You must increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables as they are amazing reservoirs of essential vitamins and anti-oxidants which are extremely beneficial for the skin. In the same breath, avoid consuming junk and oily food stuffs because they can only harm your skin.
Be Wary Of Laundry Detergents
You must be careful while using certain types of laundry detergents especially if you are diagnosed with any kind of eczema, dermatitis, or sensitive and allergic skin. The chemicals in some detergents tend to irritate the skin causing it to react unpleasantly. You can use hypoallergenic products whenever possible. The best way to avoid this problem is by using mild soaps and cleaning products that are less likely to cause skin irritation and allergies.
Use Gram Flour Instead Of Soap
Soaps generally contain harsh chemicals that do no good to your complexion. On the contrary, they can even damage the skin to a certain extent. Instead of soaps, you can use gram flour made from green gram and Bengal gram mixed in equal proportions. It prevents darkening of complexion and also helps unclog skin pores so that acne can be avoided.
Exfoliate Your Skin
Exfoliation is very useful for those who have a rough skin. For such skin type, superficial cleansing is not enough and the skin needs to be exfoliated deeply to remove oil from its layers. This technique makes the skin resistant to roughness and leaves you with a smooth skin surface and fair complexion.
Now that you know some tips on improving your skin complexion from the information above, you can try them out and find a change for yourself.