Identifying signs of abuse in a child will help you to diminish the scars left by it. Explore the article below on how to identify child abuse signs.

How To Identify Child Abuse Signs

Many people consider cuts, bruises, and broken bones to be child abuse. While this is true as physical abuse is the most visible sign, other types of abuses like emotional abuse and child neglect leave a far deeper scar that is very difficult to heal. In addition, there are abuses that are very subtle which you cannot identify without probing. To protect your child you must learn what these abuses are. Remember that the earlier you identify that a child is abused then by getting immediate help, you can have a far greater chance of healing their abuse and of stopping the dreadful cycle. Ignoring the needs of the child, putting them unsupervised in dangerous situations, or making the child feel stupid or worthless all constitute child abuse. Whatever be the form of child abuse, the end result is always emotional trauma. Most child abuses are difficult to detect as very rarely do the children come out with their abuse, so you must always be on the lookout for signs that point to it. Although they do not necessarily indicate that the child is abused, it may certainly point towards something that is wrong. So, every possibility of the abuse must be investigated and redressed to ensure the well being of child. Go through the article given below on identifying the signs of abuse.
Identifying Signs Of Child Abuse
Signs Of Emotional Abuse In Children 
  • Emotional abuse can lead to children withdrawing themselves from social and family life. They become more and more anxious and fearful, probably of doing something wrong.
  • Their behavior tends to move towards the extreme. They become extremely compliant or extremely demanding. They also become extremely passive or extremely aggressive.
  • The child remains emotionally detached from the parents.
  • They show infantile behaviors like rocking, thumb-sucking, and throwing tantrums. Sometimes they may act like an adult, like taking care of other children etc. 
Signs Of Physical Abuse In Children 
  • Frequent injuries like cuts, bruises, and welts.
  • Always on a look out as if something bad is about to happen.
  • There is a definite pattern of the injuries.
  • The child flinches at sudden movements and also shies away from touch.
  • The child also seems reluctant to go to certain places, like the school or house. These places can then be associated with the abuse.
  • They may also cover up their injuries by wearing inappropriate clothing. 
Signs Of Sexual Abuse In Children 
  • The child has trouble walking or sitting.
  • Notice if the child shows strong efforts to avoid a specific person.
  • The child also develops a knowledge of sexual acts that is inappropriate to his or her age.
  • They are also reluctant to participate in any physical activities or of changing clothes in front of others.
  • Young children also develop a fear of the elders and tend to remain isolated.
  • There can be signs of medical problems like chronic itching, pain in the genitals and venereal diseases.
  • Other symptoms that you can look for are depression, self-mutilation, suicide attempts, anorexia, or running away from family and friends.
  • Bed-wetting and nightmares can also be a sign of sexual abuse. 
Signs Of Neglect In Children 
  • Neglected children are more likely to be found in filthy, ill-fitting, and inappropriate clothes.
  • They have matted and unwashed hair, lack of bathing and, noticeable body odor.
  • Children suffering from neglect also have physical injuries and untreated illnesses.
  • The children are always left alone and can also be seen playing in unsafe situations and environments.
  • If they go to school then they are often late or tend to miss from the school a lot.

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