If you are wondering how to get rid of skin spots without any side effects, go through the article. We have provided natural tips for getting rid of skin spots, in this article.

How To Get Rid Of Skin Spots

Acne is a major skin problem pertaining to individual of all ages. It involves the occurrence of red pimples on skin surface, mainly on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and, at times, the upper arms. The dust, dirt and pollution in the atmosphere tend to aggravate the situation. Even if the acne is treated in time, it can result in ugly spots on your skin. In case you are suffering from the same ugly spots, remember that they can be easily found at home. In the following lines, we have given tips for getting rid of skin spots.
Image: elkrusty@flickr
How To Get Rid of Skin Spots 
  • Wash your face with lukewarm water regularly, at least twice a day. This will help clear dirt from your face. Do not use soap bars, as they remove only the oil and do not unclog the blocked pores. Instead, go for soap-free face wash.
  • Face gets dirty and oily mainly during the daytime. So, carry some wet tissues with you to wipe the dust and dirt off your face, throughout the day.
  • Tea tree oil is an effective herbal remedy for getting rid of skin spots. Wash your face thoroughly with lukewarm water. Dilute tea-tree oil in water and then apply it on the spots. The powerful anti-fungal oil will help remove the spots effectively.
  • Spots can also be removed by the use of fruit and vegetable masks. The regular use of face masks made of apricots, strawberries and cucumbers will make them disappear slowly.
  • In the juice of a lemon, dissolve one teaspoon of sugar. Apply the mixture on the skin spots. Keep it for 15-20 minutes and thereafter, rinse off.
  • Take one tablespoon of slightly-heated honey and apply it on the affected area. After 15-20 minutes, wash the honey off your face with lukewarm water. Finally, rinse your face with cold water.
  • Lemon juice is very effective in removing skin spots. Apply lemon juice on the spots with your fingers. Leave it for sometime. Rinse your face with tap water, once the lemon juice starts drying.
  • Lactic acid in sour milk helps in gentle peeling of skin without irritation or dryness. Apply sour milk with fingers on the affected area. Wash your face with water, after leaving it for ten minutes.
  • Your current diet may also be one of the reasons for acne and the resultant, skin spots. Add four servings of fruits to your diet and enrich it with vegetables as well. Exclude oily and sugary foods and sugary drinks from your diet.

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