A frog is an amphibian characterized by a stout body, webbed digits and long hind legs. Check out some interesting facts & amazing information on frogs here.

Facts About Frogs

A frog is an amphibian featuring a stout body, meshed digits and protruding eyes. Some peculiar physical traits of the animal include the absence of a tail, permeable skin and long hind legs that are more suited to leaping than walking. Scattered across the globe, in different habitats, they dwell in tropic to sub-arctic regions. Generally, they lead a semi- aquatic lifestyle, shuttling between land and water. Besides, depending on the differences in species, they exhibit different characteristics. The African dwarf frog is a completely aquatic species, whereas the White's tree frog is an arboreal species. To know more about this amazing amphibian, check out the interesting information provided below.
Facts about Frog
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Anura
Suborder: Archaeobatrachia, Mesobatrachia, Neobatrachia
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Species: More than 5000
Weight: 100 g
Diet: Carnivorous (Annelids, Anthropods & Gastropods)
Habitat: Tropic to Sub-arctic
Age of Maturity: 2-4 years
Gestation Period: Varies with species
Average Life Span: 4-15 years
Interesting & Amazing Information about Frogs
  • About 88 % of amphibians are frogs.
  • Normally, frogs lay their eggs in water and their larvae, called tadpoles, develop in water only.
  • Though adults are carnivorous, tadpoles of most species are herbivorous and survive on algae that are passed on to the body through gills.
  • Frogs have a highly permeable skin that allows the passage of oxygen to the body and helps in breathing.
  • The skin permeability of frogs helps them absorb water directly through the skin.
  • The long hind legs of a frog, coupled with elongated anklebones, facilitate its jumping long distances.
  • The skin of frog is devoid of loose connective tissue that makes it slack and saggy.
  • Normally, skin texture of frogs varies, depending on the species, and can be smooth, crinkled or warty.
  • Frogs have three eyelid membranes, including a transparent one to guard eyes underwater.
  • Frogs have a hearing structure called tympanum, on each side of the head.
  • Frogs are normally toothless in the lower jaw and therefore, swallow their prey whole.
  • Frogs can easily camouflage, which serves as an important defensive mechanism.
  • The extent of webbing in toes of a frog depends on the amount of time it spends in the water.
  • Certain species, such as poison dart frogs, secrete mild poisons in their bodies. Some frogs also extract toxins from their diet.
  • Even though frogs are semi-aquatic, some species are also found in arid areas, such as deserts.
  • Frogs engage in calling behavior for a variety of reasons, including mating, territorial protection, distress calls and humidity cues.

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