Do you want to learn how to clean a stainless steel sink? Have a look at this article to learn how to effectively clean a stainless steel sink.

Cleaning Stainless Steel Sinks

Stainless steel is undoubtedly the most popular metal used to manufacture sinks and this is as good as a fact. This is because; stainless steel is an alloy with 11% chromium. The chromium prevents the sink from falling prey to corrosion due to water and air.  It is because of this reason that stainless steel sinks are quite popular. In addition to being resistant to corrosion, stainless steel sinks are very hard-wearing, rust-resistant and last really long.  It forms the perfect material for making deep sinks and can match any form of interior decor. On the other hand, unlike its name “stainless”, this metal is very prone to getting stained. Nonetheless, in spite of this negative aspect, stainless steel sinks are trouble-free to clean and maintain. If you have a stainless steel sink that is stained and you are looking for tips on how to clean the same, then checking out the following section should bail you out of your problem.

How To Clean Stainless Steel Sinks
  • Vinegar is a wonder worker when it comes to removing stains from stainless steel. Wipe your stainless steel sink with a cloth or sponge dabbed in vinegar to get back the shine your sink originally had. Using vinegar will also help in removing rust marks.
  • You can also prepare a cleansing paste by mixing together 3 parts of ‘cream of tartar’ to one part of ‘hydrogen peroxide’. Apply this mixture on the stained sink and wipe your sink with a wet cloth or sponge after the cream dries.
  • You can also clean your stainless steel sink with the help of hot water and soap. Baking soda and water or baking soda along with vinegar is also effective in cleaning stained sinks.
  • One of the enemies of stainless steel is the chloride found in soaps, detergents, bleaches and cleansers. However, chlorides can be rinsed away with water easily since chlorides are soluble in water. Substances containing chloride should not be left for a long time on the sink as it can cause pitting of the surface.
  • Make use of fine pumice powder in order to deal with the scratches on your steel sink. Baking soda is another solution for the stains braved by your stainless steel sink. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of baking soda in 1 cup of water and use a sponge to clean the sink using the solution in circular motions. You can rinse and dry the sink once you feel all stains are gone.
  • Soft scrubs can also be used to clean stains off your steel sink. You can purchase a soft scrub from any general store and follow the instructions on the container to clean the sink. Once cleaned, rinse and dry the sink with a cloth or a paper towel.
  • There are stainless steel polishes available in the market made especially for stainless steel. Stainless steel polish is quite effective in cleaning grease, food and water stains from steel surfaces and polishes the surface as well.
  • You can also make use of olive oil to remove stains from the surface of stainless steel sinks. Put few drops of olive oil on a clean cloth and rub it all over the sink. Use another dry cloth to remove the stains and to obtain the original sheen back.
  • Using water and bleach is another simple way of cleaning stainless steel sinks. To clean the sink using water and bleach, you will first have to close the drain of the sink and fill it with hot water. After ten minutes, put in a cap full of bleach and leave the water to stand for two hours. Drain out the water after two hours and use a brush to scrub the surface of the sink. Make use of cold water to rinse and wipe dry your sink with a paper towel.

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