Getting rid of sunspots will require you to undergo certain skin treatments. Browse through this article and get complete information on how to get rid of sunspots.

How To Get Rid Of Sunspots

Sunspots, also known as age spots and liver spots, are the brown spots that appear on skin surface, with age. Usually found on forearms, neck, chest and the back of hands, they mainly result from excessive sun exposure. In fact, any area of your body that is exposed to an extra dose of sunshine will be prone to sunspots. Usually, they appear in people after they cross 50 years of age. However, people with light skin can get them as early as at 40 years as well. In the following lines, we will provide you information on how to get rid of sunspots.
Image: st0nemas0nry@flickr
Getting Rid Of Sunspots
Laser Skin Resurfacing  
Laser skin resurfacing is one of the most popular methods of getting rid of sunspots. Even amongst all the resurfacing treatment, fraxel is the one most used in case of sunspots. Apart from removing the spots, it also helps improve the texture and tone of the skin. In this treatment, the laser penetrates the skin at its deepest layers, breaking down the damaged skin cells and tissue. This leads to creation of trauma at the treated area, after which the skin begins to repair itself and heal. The healing process leads to generation of new cells and eliminates sun spots and other patches of skin pigmentation.
Apart from Fraxel, CO2 Laser and Erbium Laser are the other two methods that are used for the purpose of removing sunspots from the skin. In the former case, a high intensity laser treatment is given to the affected area. Along with sunspots, CO2 Laser is also used to treat skin cancer and dark pigmentation. The second method i.e. Erbium Laser involves the use of intensive laser for removing the top layer of skin completely. As the fresh layer of skin is revealed, sunspots get eliminated, along with fine lines, wrinkles and acne scars. The result is a fresher, more radiant skin.
Microdermabrasion is another method that can be used to treat sunspots. In this particular technique, the skin’s top layer is buffed away. This leads to stimulation of collagen production in the skin. With a series of such treatments, the layers of damaged skin are peeled away, leaving it free of sun spots and pigmentation patches. However, this method is useful only in case of recent sun spots. For the sunspots that have been there for longer periods of time, microdermabrasion is used in combination with laser skin resurfacing techniques.  
The PhotoFacial technique, also known as laser photo rejuvenation, involves the use of IPL lasers. In this case, the skin is exposed to an intense pulsed light. The light not only reduces the appearance of sunspots, but also evens out skin’s texture, shrinks pores and reduces the appearance of blood vessels. PhotoFacials require a series of treatments, at least 5-6, and can be used for treating freckles, acne scars and other types of pigmentation. The ultimate result is smooth, healthy and radiant skin.
Chemical Peels  
If lasers and microdermabrasion is not your cup of tea, then chemical peels comprise of the next best option for treating sunspots. In this particular form of treatment, the top layer of skin is 'stripped'. As the damaged skin gets restored, the collagen production increases, leaving you with youthful looking skin. Chemical peels involve a gradual approach for removing sunspots. It can also help you get rid of scars, spots and blemishes, apart from improving the texture as well as the tone of your skin.

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