Has your dog grown weak with drastic reduction in its appetite? If yes, then your dog is probably suffering from bladder infection. Read on to know the causes & symptoms of bladder infection in dogs.

Bladder Infection In Dogs

Having a pet is not only an exciting and thrilling experience, but also a great responsibility on the part of the owner. A dog is like a new born baby who depends on you for every small or big requirement. Be it food, water, resting place or overall health; everything needs to be taken care of, with utmost love and caution. Apart from that, you need to be well aware of the common health issues that affect the pet. One such health problem that can affect your dog is a bladder infection, which is generally caused due to the accumulation of bacteria in the bladder, resulting in irritation and inflammation. This health problem is more common in female dogs than the male counterparts, because they have a shorter urethra, giving enough opportunity for bacteria to accumulate rapidly. This article provides you with the causes and symptoms of bladder infection in dogs.
Causes Of Bladder Infection In Dogs
Presence of bacteria is the most common cause for bladder infection in dogs. The bacteria travel up the dog’s urethra into the bladder, where it multiplies and causes pain and inflammation. Infections, in some cases, can also be caused due to the presence of certain crystals or particles, which causes irritation and inflammation in the bladder. Dog’s increasing age, diabetes mellitus and being on long-term corticosteroid therapy are some other probable causes for bladder or urinary tract infection in a dog. Any medical condition that is capable of interfering with the body’s defensive system can create a breeding ground for the bacteria, thereby causing bladder infections in dogs.
Symptoms Of Bladder Infection In Dogs
  • One of the first signs of a urinary tract infection in your dog is foul smelling urine.
  • If your dog is suffering from a bladder infection, chances are that it might extract blood, along with the urine. However, blood usually comes out in case of a severe infectious condition.
  • If you find that your dog has suddenly fallen ill and is down with fever, bladder infection can be a reason. High temperature is one way the body signals infection in the bladder of your dog.
  • If your dog is suffering from urinary tract infection, it will start feeling too thirsty. This mainly happens due to the continuous loss of water in the form of urination. The dog might even lose its appetite and start eating very less food.
  • You might also find your dog getting tired sooner than usual. Fatigue and lethargic attitude of your dog is also a glaring symptom of bladder infection in them.
  • If you find your dog licking its genitals quite often, then it is surely suffering from a bladder infection. Dogs do so to ease the pain or uneasiness while urinating.
  • Your dog might get very weak as well as lose a lot of water and take in less food because of loss of appetite. It might even start vomiting after few days of infectious attack.

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