Both the white tea and the green tea are beneficial to the health. Read the article below to know the differences between white and green tea.

White Tea Vs. Green Tea

Almost everyone has a fair idea of the health benefits of green tea. For the health conscious, green tea is a part and parcel of the daily routine. And why not, when for decades people have been bombarded with advertisements extolling the medicinal properties of green tea, and rightly so. But now this esteemed position of green tea is severely threatened, from its pinnacle as the healthiest beverage, by a member of its own family. The white tea, the newest entrant among tea drinkers, is a part of the tea trinity. The black tea, the green tea, and the white tea are all derived from the Camellia sinensis plant, and so, it can be said that the dominant position of the green and black tea is threatened by its lesser-known sibling. A perfect example of sibling rivalry as all the ingredients are in place before the final showdown. As of now, green tea is finding it hard to match the enviable reputation of white tea. Various studies also support the fact that white tea has a certain edge over green tea when it comes to conferring health benefits among its drinkers. Though green tea doesn’t have any known side effect, it loses up on white tea because white tea bestows far more health benefits in the same amount as that of green tea. In only one respect does green tea significantly manage to cruise ahead of its competitor. And that is regarding the availability. Due to the rarity of white tea, green tea is more widely used. So, it happens that most people don’t know that there is such a thing as white tea. Those who love their tea, accept both. For them green tea is for all seasons, white tea is luxury. To know more on the differences between the two teas read below.
Difference Between White Tea And Green Tea
  • Both white tea and green tea undergo very little processing. White tea and green tea come from the same plant. The main difference is that the white tea leaves are harvested at a younger age than green tea leaves. White tea is also not fermented while green tea is only partly fermented. Since they are processed very less, white tea and green tea has far more medicinal benefits than black tea which is completely fermented.
  • Lab experiments show that white tea is far better than green tea in preventing the growth of tumors in rats. However, there are no human studies to support it, yet.
  • A study conducted by the Linus Pauling Institute has found that white tea is more successful than green tea in destroying disease-causing organisms. White tea is also far more effective in inactivating bacterial viruses than green tea.
  • According to several studies, white tea has far more antioxidants than green tea. The high concentration of antioxidants is attributed to the fact that white tea is partially processed and not at all fermented.
  • The concentration of antioxidants in white tea is three times higher than green tea. This is because white tea is harvested when the leaves are still in the budding stage and attached to the bush.
  • White tea has a gentle and subtle taste, which is smooth and a little sweet. In contrast, green tea has a very grassy taste. That is why many people abhor the flavor of green tea but relish the taste of the white tea, which also looks a little like a young white wine.
  • There is also a difference of caffeine content of both the teas. White tea has far less caffeine than green tea. A cup of white tea contains 15 mg of caffeine compared to 20 mg of caffeine for green tea. So, white tea is a very good option for those looking to cut down on their caffeine intake.
  • White tea is scarcer than green tea. This is because white tea is harvested from special bushes during early spring and only for a few days. Due to the low output of white tea, it is far more expensive than green tea. High quality white tea is three times more expensive than green tea.
  • Compared to green tea white tea is required in very little amounts to make tea. For example, to make one liter of white tea requires only a spoonful of white tea buds. And you can also reuse the tea buds several times.
  • Using white tea extract in toothpastes enhances the anti-microbial action of oral agents.

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