If there is one thing that the 21st century will be remembered for, it would definitely be for social networking. Know all about social networking.

What Is Social Networking?

Ask anyone as to what to do to have a profile on any of the various social networking sites and even one’s grandchild will tell you. However, ask people to define it and they fall short of words – as if all the various words that they throw around like careless junk have failed them in describing what exactly the phenomenon of social networking is. All they will know is that it is one of those things that turned from luxury to necessity like the mobile phones, especially at an age when information is more accessible than many basic necessities. But there are those who argue that having an account on any one of the popular social networking sites is like wanting to own a food processor, you are never quite sure why! Nevertheless, there is no dearth of cases wherein networking has proved to be useful and has, in fact, become a necessity in today’s world. We need networking not only to further ourselves professionally but also for various other reasons that only time will reveal to us. The bottom line is, that knowing a lot of people, knowing what exactly they do is almost as good as getting a job done by an acquaintance, which is easier than getting it done by a stranger or someone we do not know. Here’s all you wanted to know about social networking.
Definition And Basics Of Social Networking 
The dictionary would define the phenomenon of social networking as a social structure made of individuals (or organizations) called "nodes," that have been tied together or connected by one or more of the following interdependencies – these are friendship, kinship, common interest, financial exchange, like or dislike, sexual relationships, or relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige. The layman’s definition is much simpler; it is described as the grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighborhood subdivision, with something common between them to keep them together. It could be a profession, a deep interest in something, their dislike for some idea, ideology, or person (especially public figures) or just their love for rain.
Though social networking could take place anywhere – especially in workplace, university, at conferences, workshops as well as even in the neighbourhood – nowhere is it as popular as it is over the internet, in the virtual world. The social media sites are increasing in number and popularity by the day, looking for people who would like to expand their social circle or use it to further themselves professionally.
The Principle It Is Based On 
Based on the ‘six degrees of separation concept’ – it is an idea that states that any two people on this planet could make contact through a chain of not more than five intermediaries. Social networking establishes interconnected internet communities – which are also known as personal networks – to be able to help people make contacts that would be good for them to know, either in profession or any other part of life.
The Architecture Of Social Networking Brick By Brick 
The simplest example that could be given to explain the phenomenon is when someone begins college, for instance. This structure allows the individual to meet people of familiar or common interests yet maintaining his or her identity and individuality. Here’s how the structure takes shape:

The person who opens an account on social networking sites will need a profile that will give information about him or her so that others can see (or not see, if the individual chooses not to show). This profile lists an individual’s personal information like email address, his or her likes, and dislikes, where he or she works and under what faculty and so on. The social networking site in question would also ask a person his or her personal likes and dislikes for instance his or her favourite TV show, favourite type of music or favourite band and so on. 

They are what people register on social networking sites for, the people you befriend are not only those who you have known for all your lives but also those who you wish to be in contact with because it might help you in life, especially in your career. Many a times, one of the people you know invites you on to a specific social networking site. These friends can send you private messages, or see any pictures that you may have uploaded, comment on them or just view your whole profile, which others who aren’t there on your list of friends will not be able to since most social networking sites come with security or privacy settings that we avail of. 

Groups consist of a set of people who have come together because of a common interest, or even dislike of something. They may even engage in discussions on the topics concerned. It is one way to connect with like-minded people who may like to share their views on the topic in question. 

Blogging is another feature that most social networking sites come with today, though they aren’t as loaded with features as blog hosts like Blogger or Wordpress, but they can still be used on a regular basis.

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