Finally, you are all set to get pregnant and bear child. For this, you should know your ovulation period. Explore this article to know the physical signs and symptoms of ovulation.

Physical Signs Of Ovulation

You’ve been enjoying your married life for quite sometime. Now, you have decided to take your married life to the next step, i.e. parenthood. While having regular sex increases your chances of conceiving, isn’t it better to know your exact time of ovulation and time your sex for pregnancy? Ovulation is a part of a woman’s menstrual cycle during which the ovaries release an egg, which when united with sperm, produces a baby. Hence, if you trying to get pregnant, it is best to know your most fertile days in order to let you conceive. However, finding ovulation is not easy for all women, as they experience different menstrual cycles. Thus, it is better to know the physical symptoms of ovulation which generally go unnoticed until women take out time to learn and observe them. Read through the following lines to know the physical signs of ovulation and how to spot them when they occur, thereby reducing your conceiving time.
Ovulation Physical Symptoms
Cervical Fluid Changes
As a woman approaches ovulation, her cervical mucus changes in amount and consistency. Before ovulating, the cervical fluid appears sticky or creamy, or may not even appear. However, the cervical mucus changes to a watery and raw-egg-white-like consistency stretching up to one inch or more between your fingers. After the ovulation is over, the consistency returns back to the thicker, whiter and sticky non-fertile state.
Cervix Changes
Just as your cervical fluid changes during ovulation, so does your cervical position. At the beginning of a menstrual cycle, the cervix is firm, similar to the tip of a nose. As ovulation approaches, the cervix starts getting softer and gets the softest during ovulation. The cervix is higher, softer and more open when a woman is most fertile and gradually returns back to the original low position after the end of ovulation.
Increase In Basal Body Temperature
Basal body temperature is the most popular way of tracking ovulation amongst women trying to conceive. This is the temperature of a woman when she first wakes up, even before she moves out of bed. During ovulation, the basal body temperature increases 0.4 to 1.0 to a degree, mainly because of the increase in the hormone progesterone. The temperature remains elevated until the woman reaches her menstrual cycle.
Breast Tenderness
Some women often find their breasts to be tender just before or after they ovulate. This is due to the hormones rushing to your body preparing it for the potential chances of getting pregnant.
Abdominal Pain
Around 20 percent women experience discomfort in their abdomen during ovulation. This occurs due to the movement of the egg down to the fallopian tube. Though the pain differs from woman to woman, it, generally, is a dull ache or sharp pain, centering on the right of the lower abdomen.
Increased Sexual Desire
Most women experience an increase in their libido when they approach ovulation and are most fertile. This is the body’s way to have intercourse and hence, is the best time to have sex to get pregnant. However, only the desire to have sex is not a sure-fire physical symptom of ovulation, but if you notice it along with other symptoms, then surely it is time to move ahead with sexual intercourse.

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