The sacred plant, Sage, has a high nutritional value, being rich in calcium, vitamin A and iron. Explore this article to explore some more nutrition facts about sage.

Nutritional Value Of Sage

Sage (Salvia officinalis) is a small perennial evergreen herb, belonging to the mint family Lamiaceae and genus Salvia. The term Salvia officinalis has been derived from the Latin word ‘salvere’, which means ‘to be saved or to be healed’. The life saving herb possesses green-grayish leaves, with woody stems and blue to purplish color flowers. The plant is known by more than half a dozen names, including Dalmatian sage, Red sage Garden sage, Kitchen sage, Broadleaf sage, Culinary sage, Common sage, and Purple sage, and has medicinal value attached to it. Sage is native to Mediterranean region and is renowned for its health-promoting properties. The plant has been awarded as "Herb of the Year" in 2001, by International Herb Association.
In ancient times, sage was revered as wonder herb, with magical properties. The Romans treated the plant as sacred and used to organize a special ceremony to gather it. Both Greeks and Roman used it as preservative for meat. It was later confirmed by scientists that the herb possessed properties that prevents spoilage. The popularity of sage can be easily reflected from the fact that in the ancient times, the Chinese used to exchange three cases of tea leaves with the Dutch, for a single case of sage leaves. Sage is a boon in conditions like indigestion, gas, depression, and menopausal problems, owing to the nutrients in it. To know all about the nutritional value present in Sage, go through the Food Rating Chart given below.
Sage Nutrition Facts
Amount of Sage: 2 tsp
Total Weight of Sage: 1.40 g
Basic Components
0.16 g
0.88 g
0.16 g
0.12 g
Total Calories
5.32 KJ
Calories From Fat
1.20 KJ
Dietary Fiber
0.56 g
Total Fat
0.12 g
Vitamin A IU
85.56 IU
Vitamin A RE
8.56 RE
A- carotenoid
8.56 RE
A- beta carotene
51.32 mcg
20.16 mg
0.40 mg
14.00 mg
0.16 mg
Buying & Storing Facts 
  • Buy sage in its fresh form, rather than the dried one, as the former is richer in flavor. Fresh sage is green-gray in color and free from dry, yellow or dark spots.
  • It is advised to buy sage from local grocery stores, rather than the supermarket, if you want to be assured of freshness and superior quality.
  • Wrap sage in a damp paper towel and place it in a plastic bag. You can now put it in the refrigerator, for storage purposes.
  • You can even cover the sage leaves in olive oil and store them in fridge for three weeks.
  • Dry sage in an area away from sunlight and keep it in a tightly-sealed glass container, where it will remain fresh for about six months.
  • While buying sage, always prefer organically grown herb over the other forms, to be assured of non-exposure to radiation.

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