When you paint a room, you often keep the left over paint for future touch ups. The same rule applies to wallpaper as well. After using wallpaper in a room, it is advisable to keep those large extra pieces for future repairs. As a wallpaper ages, it tends to loosen, tear, bubble and get damaged in several other ways. If you keep the leftover pieces with you, there will be no need to expense out your money to purchase new wallpaper every time it is damaged. While most of the wallpaper repairs are easy, some require time and energy. Given here are methods for mending different types of damages in wallpapers. Read through the following lines and find tips on how you can repair and fix your damaged wallpaper at home, with very little cost and make your walls as new as ever.
Fixing Damaged Wallpapers
Remove Bubbles & Wrinkles
In case the wrinkly and uneven portions are interrupting the wallpaper’s stylishness, all you need is a knife and some extra wallpaper. The best method to remove bubbles and wrinkles is to cut out the area and replace it with extra wallpaper.
- Measure the problematic area and cut a slightly larger square or a circle around the wrinkled region. Use a putty knife, in case the wrinkled region is hard to remove.
- Check on the pattern of the wallpaper.
- Get the extra wallpaper and cut a piece that fits exactly the portion you removed from the wallpaper. The piece’s patterns should match the ones found on the portion extracted.
- Apply some wallpaper adhesive on the piece and paste it on the space emptied from the wallpaper.
- Push the patches' edges, so as to reinforce the connection. If required, remove the scattered adhesive on the wallpaper.
- In case the extra piece does not exactly match the extracted portion, use markers or coloring materials to mend the gaps.
Large Tears
Most people remove the wallpaper with large tears and replace it with a new one. New wallpaper is exquisite, but the price can create a dent on your budget. To save cash, photocopying a portion of the wallpaper and mending it is the best method.
- Extract a portion from the wallpaper, which is big enough to capture the damaged area’s pattern scheme.
- Prop an elegant and durable paper into the photocopier.
- Run the extracted portion through the photocopier.
- Apply wallpaper adhesive on the copy and paste it on the damaged area that is to be mended.
- Press the copy’s edges with your fingers, to secure the connection.
- In case the tear on the wallpaper is too large to cover with a sheet of paper, it is better to settle with new wallpaper.
Small Tear
- Small tears are pretty easy to repair.
- All you need to do is apply some wallpaper adhesive and fix them.
- Other methods for fixing them could be using extra wallpaper, photocopied wallpaper, or printing some of the patterns found on the internet.
- It may not be necessary to follow the wallpaper’s pattern in case the filling blends with the entire design.