If you are wondering how to change the look of your simple white t-shirt to a jazzy one, sponge painting is the answer. With this article, explore techniques for painting t-shirt using sponges.

How To Paint T-Shirts With Sponges

Comfortable yet stylish, simple but trendy - no one can deny the blissful feel of sporting a t-shirt. Be it young teen or a retired old chap, t-shirts have found a major place in the wardrobe of all people alike, all the more, becoming a quintessential part of the everyday attire. It’s the ease and the comfort that has made t-shirts the most picked item of clothing. Talking about the various styles of t-shirt, right from wearing a simple round neck white t-shirt to one with a freaky slogan or polo-neck t-shirt flaunting an imprinted design, there are a bounteous of choices available. However, instead of picking something from the market, why not go for a t-shirt that exudes your creativity and style? Are you confused? We are here talking about infusing your style mantra into a simple t-shirt, to make it just the perfect personalized attire for you. Sporting a sponge painted t-shirt is the best struck deal to give a vent to your ingenuity. Given in the following lines, are simple techniques, which when followed will give you a brief idea on how to paint a t-shirt with sponges.
Technique for Painting T-Shirt Using Sponges
Materials Required
  • T-Shirt
  • Iron
  • Clothing Paint
  • Large piece of heavy cardboard or an old box
  • Thumb Tacks
  • Sponges
  • Styrofoam Plate or Paint Palette
  • Paper Towels
  • Rubber Gloves
  • Utility Scissors
  • Newspaper
Preparing The T Shirt 
  • Before starting with the painting process right away, you need to indulge in a few preparations. Firstly, buy a t-shirt which is a size larger than what you usually wear. This is mainly advised as t-shirts are prone to shrinkage.
  • Now, wash the t-shirt and dry it in an outdoor space that does not receive direct heat. Once the shirt has been completely dried, iron it to remove all the wrinkles.
  • Using a pair of utility scissors, cut a piece of heavy cardboard in such a manner that it fits the shape of the body of the T-shirt. Now, place the cardboard inside the t-shirt.
  • With the help of thumb tacks, secure the garment to the cardboard so that you have a stable base for painting. This would also ensure that the paint does not run through to the back of the t-shirt.
 Sponge Painting 
  • Before starting with the sponge painting, you need to first ensure that you have all the raw materials at your convenience. Choose paints of different colors, as it would lend your t-shirt a multihued and vibrant look.
  • Pour some paint on the styrofoam plate or the paint palette. Now, put on the rubber gloves and grab a piece of sponge.
  • You need to first soak each sponge in a bowl of clean clear water and wring it out till the time it gets damp.
  • Now, put the sponge in the paint, in such a way that it covers the entire bottom of the sponge design. While soaking the sponge, do not completely soak the sponge in paint, as this would lead to the edges of your design getting fuzzy. In case too much of paint has been applied to the sponge, dab it on a paper towel to remove the excess.
  • Next, spread the newspaper on the table and place the t-short on top of it. Hold the sponge perpendicularly to the position of the t-shirt and set it where you want the design. The best bet would be to use the sponge just like you use a stamp.
  • In case you are looking forward for a more dappled effect, the best would be to employ less pressure while stamping the design. Also, in case you are looking forward for a multihued design, sponging on all colors at the same time would give you a more blending effect. Go for it and sport a creation of your creativity the next time you hit the road!

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