There are many incredible facts about the Brazilian wandering spider that can surprise you. Check out some interesting and amazing information on Brazilian wandering spiders, as enlisted here.

Facts About Brazilian Wandering Spider

Brazilian wandering spider is one of the most venomous species found in the world today. It belongs to the Phoneutria genus and is known by different names; like the banana spider and the armed spider. At present, there are eight existing species of the animal, found particularly in the tropical south and central zones of America. One of the typical characteristics that distinguish this species from other related genera, like Ctenus, is the presence of dense prolateral scopulae on the pedipalp tibiae and tarsi, in both sexes. The symptoms that one should look for, in case the spider bites you or anyone else, is immediate pain, cold sweats and heart irregularities. In case such symptoms are visible, instant medical attention will be needed. To explore some more interesting facts and amazing information on the Brazilian wandering spider, go through the lines that follow.
Facts About Brazilian Wandering Spider
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Arachnida
Order: Araneae
Family: Ctenidae
Genus: Phoneutria
Species: 8 species found
Size: 4 to 5 inches
Diet: Crickets, large insects, lizards and mice
Range: South and Central America, Brazil
Habitat: Tropical and sub-tropical regions
Lifespan: 1 to 2 years
Number of Offspring: 12 to 20 eggs per clutch
Interesting & Amazing Information On Brazilian Wandering Spider
  • Brazilian wandering spider is regarded as one of the most vicious species of spiders found all over the world. Around eight different species of the spider are found in different parts of Central and South America.
  • The spider is also known as the banana Spider, as it has a tendency to hide in bunches of bananas, which are sorted after shipment.
  • In the year 2007, the Guinness Book of World Records named the Brazilian wandering spider as the most venomous spider in the world.
  • The year 2008 saw the onset of a chaotic situation, as a media frenzy situation exploded in Oklahoma when an employee at a grocery shop mistakenly identified a harmless huntsman spider as the dangerous Brazilian wander spider, in a bunch of bananas.
  • The spider can be found hiding inside termite moulds, rocks, fallen logs, and in banana plants. It prefers dark environments, moist settings and even human dwellings.
  • Brazilian wandering spider mates only in the dry months, particularly in the period lasting from April to June.
  • A peculiar defensive mechanism found in the species is that it lifts its body up, into an erect position, with the first two pairs of legs lifted high, to reveal the conspicuous black-striped pattern on the underside, while it sways from side-to-side.
  • The spider is known to kill even humans, if it feels or senses any kind of threat. It is known to attack aggressively and the fact that its venom is highly toxic makes the species even more dangerous.
  • Amongst all the species of the Brazilian wandering spider, two particular types are responsible for most of the bites recorded worldwide. They are mostly found in the Amazon and the southeastern zone of Brazil.
  • The leg span of a Brazilian wandering spider can go up to 4 - 5 inches. It has eight eyes in total, with two of them being quite large.

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