Spelt is a species of wheat that has several health benefits to its credit. Read on to know about health benefits of eating spelt.

Benefits Of Spelt

Spelt is a nutritious species of wheat with a deep nutlike flavor. Even before many of the wheat hybrids, spelt has been used by people. It scores more over many other species of wheat in containing a rich source of nutrients. Spelt is scientifically known as Triticum speltum. Spelt can be consumed in whole form known as spelt berries, hulled form or even in the form of spelt flour. It originally belongs to Iran and Southeastern Europe. It is one of the first grains which were used to make bread. It served as a staple grain for the ancient civilizations like Greece and Rome. Spelt is highly health beneficial and keeping this point in view we bring you the health benefits of eating spelt in the below lines.
Health Benefits Of Eating Spelt 
  • Intake of spelt in sufficient quantity reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.
  • Spelt contains niacin that protects the body against cardiovascular risk factors.
  • The niacin present in spelt reduces the level of cholesterol and lipoprotein. It may also inhibit free radicals from oxidizing LDL, which turns harmful to blood vessel walls after oxidation. Niacin also plays a significant role in reducing the aggregation of platelets.
  • Spelt contains rich amount of fiber, which can help reduce the LDL cholesterol levels. Fiber binds with bile acids and comes out from the body in the form of feces. Since bile acids are removed, cholesterol is reduced considerably.
  • Spelt is a rich source of magnesium, which is a co-factor for several body enzymes. It plays an integral role even in the enzymes that used in the secretion of glucose. As a result of this, spelt substantially lowers the risk of Type 2 diabetes.
  • Consuming spelt can help women prevent the formation of gallstones, owing to its rich content of insoluble fiber.
  • Spelt can reduce the risk of childhood asthma considerably.
  • The fiber present in spelt also has a protective action in women, against breast cancer.
  • Spelt is rich in a special type of phytonutrient, called plant lignans. Plant lignans are considered to be highly effective in providing protection against breast and hormone-dependent cancers and also heart diseases.
  • Eating spelt can help protect the body against conditions like ischemic stroke, insulin resistance, diabetes and obesity. 
  • Spelt belongs to the group of non-scientifically established “gluten grains”. People who are prone to wheat-related conditions like gluten-sensitive enteropathies or celiac spruce should consult their physician before consuming spelt. 
Cooking Tips
  • Rinse spelt thoroughly under running water before cooking, to make it free of any dirt or debris.
  • Soak the rinsed spelt in water for around eight hours or overnight. Once again before cooking spelt, you need to rinse it and drain the water.
  • Add three parts of water to each one part of spelt and bring to boil. Once it starts boiling, turn down the heat and simmer for about one hour.
  • Spelt can be eaten as a side dish substitute for rice or potatoes. It can also be used to make delicious bread or muffin recipe.

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