There are over a hundred different types of arthritis. Read the article to know more on the symptoms of some of the most common types arthritis.

Arthritis Symptoms

Arthritis, in common parlance, is the inflammation of the joint. This disorder occurs due to the wearing out of the cartilages, a protein substance, which occurs at the joints. The cartilages are responsible for the smooth movement of the bones at the joints. The causes of arthritis are varied. They generally depend on the form of the arthritis. However, the leading causes can be because of the wear and tear of cartilage (osteoarthritis) to those associated with inflammation resulting from an overactive immune system (rheumatoid arthritis). Arthritis is also classified as a rheumatic disease with only one aspect in common among all the various forms in that it affects the joints, muscles, ligaments, cartilage, and tendons. Since, this is a degenerative disease it can only be effectively treated if it is detected early. It is very much common among the older people, and so, in them a couple of the symptoms listed below can point towards arthritis. However, in the younger age group, arthritis is rare, but existent. If such symptoms are noticed in young people then only a proper medical check-up can find out if it is arthritis or not. So, if you want to familiarize yourself with the symptoms of arthritis then read through the article given below.
Signs & Symptoms of Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • The most visible sign is the inflammation of the joints. The patient also experiences pain and stiffness in the joints. There is also warmth around the joints.
  • The joints experience stiffness in the morning for an hour or more.
  • The joints affected with rheumatoid arthritis display a symmetrical pattern.
  • It also affects the small joints like in the hands and the feet.
  • There is a significant loss of energy and fatigue, loss of weight as a result of the loss of appetite.
  • There can also be slight fever.
  • Deformity and limited mobility of the joints. 
Osteoarthritis Arthritis
  • Extreme pain and stiffness occurs in the joints.
  • There is also a difficulty in the movement of the joint.
  • There is also minor swelling in the joints making them sore and tender.
  • Initially the pain occurs mostly at night.
  • Specific joints like fingers, hip, knees, and spines are affected.
  • There is an enlargement in the first joint of the finger.
  • Pain develops in the weight bearing joints like the hip and knees and the muscles around these joints gets weaker.
  • The joints can make creaking and crunching sounds without any pain. 

Gout Arthritis

  • In the asymptomatic stage, gout has no visible symptoms. At this stage, the urate levels rise in the blood.
  • The acute stage lasts from five to ten days. The symptoms are joint pain that attack suddenly, and swelling of the joints. The joints also become tender and look red and bruised.
  • The symptom free interval is known as the intercritical stage. This stage can last from 6 months to two years and in some others from five to ten years.
  • In the chronic stage the symptoms consists of extreme pain in the joints. The stiffness and limited mobility of the joints is accompanied by development of sores and the release of white pus.
  • In gout arthritis, the most affective areas are the big toe, knee, and the ankle joints. 
Juvenile Arthritis
  • Pain, stiffness, and swelling of the joints are the most common symptoms.
  • The stiffness and swelling is more severe in the morning.
  • There is a reduction in the range of motion as a result of the loss of joint function.
  • Abnormal and asymmetrical joint deformity.
  • Development of limp in severe cases.
  • Irritation and redness of the eye accompanied by pain.
  • Recurrent fevers.
  • There can also be development of muscle aches.

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