Even though growing marjoram plant is not as popular as its cousin oregano, it is just as useful. Learn here some tips on how to grow marjoram.

How To Grow Marjoram

Marjoram is a perennial herb, which is cultivated for culinary and herbal purposes. As it has a sweet pine and citrus flavor, it is also called sweet marjoram or knotted marjoram. Though the plant is not famous as its cousin oregano, it is just as useful. It is generally used to season meats, vegetables, sausages and salads. Along with that, it also proves helpful in adding aroma and flavor to various cuisines. Marjoram may also be used in herbal tea and fragrant bath. You can even make potpourri out of it or use it as an insect repellent. In earlier days, it was regarded as the symbol of happiness, by Romans and Greeks. The plant has ornamental value as well, since it looks beautiful with tiny white and pink flowers and oval gray-green leaves. Moreover, it is a very simple herb to grow. In this article, we will provide you with useful tips on how to grow marjoram.
Growing Marjoram Plant 
  • As marjoram is a Mediterranean plant, it prefers sun. So, you should plant it during early spring. Make sure to choose a sheltered spot, which gets full sun. The plant can thrive well even in poor, dry soil, but it prefers a pH between 6.5 and 7.5. The soil should be well drained. Marjoram can survive well in drier soils too, but it’s better to provide the plant with a little moisture.
  • Marjoram is generally slow to germinate, so you need to sow it indoors, at a fairly warm temperature. However, if you live in a warm climate area, you can sow it directly outside as well. Plant the seeds 1/5 inches deep in soil and keep 6 inches gap between two seeds. Space the rows between 18 to 24 inches. The germination period of Marjoram is 8 to 14 days. You can even buy saplings from the nursery and transplant them to your garden.
  • You can plant marjoram near coriander plants, to keep the insects at bay. Although it has a minimal disease issue, you can provide the plant with soilless potting mixes, perlite, coco peat, etc, on a regular basis. You need to water marjoram plants regularly, but over-watering should be avoided. At the same time, it is best to water them in the morning.
  • You can start the harvesting process any time after the plant has produced dozen or more leaves. Pick the leaves in the morning, as the essential oils in them are strongest at that time. You can pick them all and put them in freezer for later use. Pick flower bulbs as soon as you spot them, as they can make the leaves taste bitter.
  • Now, enjoy marjoram with pizza, use it to make potpourri or stuff it inside your Thanksgiving turkey. It can be used to combat cough, cold, flu, asthma, mouth ulcers, PMS, etc. On the other hand, its essential oil is best used in distressing massage and as a compress for bruises.

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