With the advancement in modern science, the process of wisdom teeth removal has become less painful. With this article, you will learn how the extraction of wisdom tooth is done.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

The third molar teeth - commonly known as 'wisdom teeth' - grow after a person reaches 17 years of age. While an adult has four wisdom teeth normally, it is quiet possible to have fewer number of third molars as well. Since a wisdom tooth represents the development of 'yet another tooth' in your mouth, you may wonder why it should be removed. Removal of wisdom tooth becomes necessary, when it either grows in between the teeth located adjacent to it, or affects the gum tissues. There are a number of methods followed for the extraction of wisdom tooth. One of the easiest and less painful procedures has been described below. Through the following lines, you will also learn about what is done before and after the extraction.
Wisdom Teeth Removal
Before Extraction 
  • Before extracting the wisdom tooth, your dentist will check your pulse and blood pressure. This is to ensure that you are mentally prepared for the removal of the tooth.
  • Thereafter, he will numb the area, with some medication, so that you won't feel any pain during its extraction. A deadening agent is usually injected into various spots within the mouth.
  • Instead of the above step, the doctor might give anesthesia to you, so that you fall asleep during the extraction and do not feel any pain. 
The Process 
  • After numbing your mouth or putting you to sleep, the dentist will study the growth of your wisdom tooth and the infected parts, if any. Thereafter, he/she will start the procedure.
  • The method adopted for the removal of wisdom teeth will depend upon the way they have grown in your mouth. If the teeth are developed well, the dentist would find it easy to pull them out. Otherwise, he/she would have to use a special drill to extract them.
  • In order to extract the tooth, your dentist will cut through your gum tissue over the tooth and pull out any bone that might be covering it.
  • The tissue, connecting the tooth to the bone, will them be separated by the dentist. Following this, he will remove the tooth.
  • To make it easier to extract the teeth, the dentist may cut the tooth into smaller pieces and then pull them out of your mouth, one by one.
  • It will take about 35-40 minutes, for the dentist, to extract the tooth. 
After Extraction 
  • After extracting the tooth, the dentist will stitch up the area.
  • He will provide you with some pain killer and a cleaning solution. While the former relieves the pain of extraction, the latter cleans your mouth.
  • Finally, the doctor will inform you about the date for the removal of stitches.

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