Holistic healing is a type of medical therapy that aims to provide a “wholesome” treatment to the patient. Explore the article to know about holistic healing treatments.

What Is Holistic Healing

Holistic healing seeks to follow a holistic approach, when providing treatment for imbalances in the body and mind, and focuses on a more balanced lifestyle. What sets it apart from the alternative medicine, complementary medicine, and integrative medicine is that that it doesn’t focus solely on physical health, but includes the mind and the soul also. However, it is still the experience of physical discomfort that prompts a person to seek holistic healing treatments. Holistic healing attempts to address all parts of an individual, with a focus on the physical body, where illnesses manifest themselves the most. It is not a band-aid or quick fix cure, rather a constant journey to discover the underlying causes of illnesses, thereby promoting wholeness and a healthier life.
Beyond The Mind-Body Connect
Looking at it in a simplistic way, holistic healing is a lifestyle approach, which seeks to transcend the mind-body connection in finding ways to maintain wellness. It values the overall wellness and “wholeness”. It brings into play physical healing, mental health and wellness, emotional well-being, and spiritual beliefs and values, while healing the person. A holistic approach involves seeking tools that motivate the patients to work towards their desires and find their personal power. Holistic healing places considerable emphasis on personal power, as it believes that the latter has a major role in promoting our wellness and functionality.
Any individual, who desires to find wholeness within his own being, learns over time, the value of tending to relationships, caring for the planet and being thoughtful of the natural environs that surround us. Holistic healing encourages the feeling of compassion for humankind and helps the patient to acknowledge and tolerate the differences amongst the diverse population of humans. It stresses on feeling ‘good’ and ‘complete’ from within and fosters one’s ability to fight the physical forms of illnesses.
Role Of Holistic Healer
Acknowledging the premise that our physical ailments and pains are symptomatic of an internal imbalance, a holistic healer tries to find out the internal causes of imbalances in the mind and body, manifesting themselves as physical illnesses. A continuous abuse of the body through an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, or too little sleep can be reasons for the illness symptoms you are experiencing. The role of a holistic healer is to identify these underlying causes and work upon them to treat the problem from its root. He/she has to do a complete evaluation of the patient and gather as much information as possible on the latter’s lifestyle. The information becomes the foundation of working out a suitable treatment and lifestyle approach for the patient.
Types Of Holistic Healing Treatments
Holistic healing treatments are mostly “natural” and shun problem-specific approach, in favor of a more holistic one, while combining different natural treatments to deal with the problem. Some of the most popular holistic healing treatments have been listed below. 
  • Aromatherapy
  • Ayurveda medicine
  • Natural diet
  • Exercise
  • Counseling
  • Herbal remedies
  • Homeopathy
  • Acupuncture
  • Naturopathic medicine
  • Bodywork
  • Energy-based therapies
  • Prayerful intention
  • Chinese medicine

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