Water jogging is the best way to beat the summer heat. It also serves as a perfect viable alternative to stay in shape. Read the article below to know how to water jog.

Water Jogging

Water jogging is simply what it sounds like - jogging in water. Also known as aqua jogging or water running, water jogging improves flexibility and strength, thus improving blood circulation and increasing energy levels. Workouts done in or underwater are extremely beneficial, as they help build lean muscles. Another point of benefit of water exercises, such as water jogging, water aerobics or swimming, is that they reduce the possibility of injuries caused, since the buoyancy of water cushions the body. Performing water jogging exercises helps a person have a stronger heart and an enhanced body posture. It is an excellent workout for pregnant women and people with leg or knee injuries. Read through the following lines to find out how to water jog.
How To Water Jog
Things Required 
  • Swimsuit
  • Aqua Jogger Belt/ Buoyancy Flotation Belt
  • Waterproof Stopwatch
  • Float Shoes
  • After wearing your swimsuit, properly fit in your aqua jogger belt to keep you buoyant enough with only your head above water.
  • Start off with a short warming session of 5 minutes. Tread the water with your legs and arms slowly to warm up your body.
  • Gradually move towards deep water and start jogging. Make sure to keep your back and shoulders straight, with eyes aiming at the horizon. Jog in this position for about five minutes.
  • Once you have done this, eventually, switch on to running exercise at a steady pace for about 10 minutes.
  • Make your motions longer and add intensity to your workout by performing sprints. Kick your feet up to your buttocks on the back swing. Continue performing sprints for 5 minutes.
  • Slowly, return to normal running for 5 minutes. Now, continue with aqua jogging for another 3 minutes and get back to a normal walk, gradually.
  • Remove your aqua jogger belt and swim for 2 to 3 minutes slowly to cool down your body.
  • Always maintain an upright vertical position, while water jogging irrespective of your speed of running.
  • As a beginner, do not strain yourself.
  • Water jogging can be tiring and extremely painful for your legs initially, but do not quit and keep trying.
  • Water jog in a pool with a lifeguard, in case you have any problems.
  • Since water running can be a bit boring, play some music near the pool, if possible.
  • It is advised to consult your doctor before switching to water jogging workouts, in case you have any bruises or injuries.
  • Prefer to aqua jog at the deep end of the swimming pool, so that your feet do not touch the ground.

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