If you have grown up idolizing Angelina Jolie’s fuller pouts and longed to have the same, this article would be of help. Read on to get tips on how to get soft plump lips.

Tips For Soft Plump Lips

Do you dig for that perfect pout? Have you always longed to possess that bee-stung, bootylicious lips just like pout idol Angelina Jolie? Most girls cannot resist, but just swoon over the fuller pouts of Scarlet Johansson and Jessica Alba and wish for the same, if not any less. Having naturally full pouts is indeed blissful for anyone who’s lucky enough to be born with it, but for those who don’t own one, getting it may be an easy bet. Not always does one need to give in to stereotypical means to get bee-stung kissers. There’s more to flaunting softer, fuller lips than homespun plumpers and even the scarier and painful option called botox. Collagen as well may not always be the best way to get those fuller lips. However, there are easier ways to get great lips. All you will need is a colored lip pencil, some lipstick, a chapstick and lip gloss. Check out the tips to get a more gorgeous you.
Image: Shélin Graziela@flickr
How To Get Soft Plump Lips
  • The secret to flaunt fuller plumper lips always is to be healthy and glowing from within. Exfoliate your lips each day to keep them pink and soft. Take a soft cloth, damp it and gently rub it on your lips, in round circular motions. Not only will it scrape off the dead skin, it will also boost blood circulation too.
  • Moisturize your lips to keep it naturally soft and beautiful. Always apply a night emollient to your lips during bed time, to seal in maximum moisturizer and allow the delicate lip tissues to heal. You can use Vitamin E capsules to boost your lips or you can use honey, apricot oil, carrot seed oil for the same.
  • Most people bite their lips to keep it hydrated which is actually a wrong practice. Licking lips dries it more, causing it to chap and crack. At times, it can cause the lips to bleed too. Always keep a chap stick handy and roll it over to keep your lips feeling soft and hydrated all through.
  • Always dab a lip cream prior to applying lip color onto your lips. Doing so, offers a protective barrier against the harsh chemicals and also keeps your lipsticks from bleeding or chapping. Shea butter and fruit extracts are some of the best bet to pamper your lips with, before indulging in colored bars.
  • The way your lip looks depends on how you prim it up. While lining your lips, always line the outline of your lip first and then fill in the center. For overly thin lips, you can draw a line just below the natural rim of your lips and then coat it with your favorite plumping lipsticks.
  • Pick up your favorite shade of plumping lip color that comes with built-in moisturizer. You can look out for the ones that boast of natural ingredients like beeswax, palm oil, vegetable oil, castor seed oil, aloe, and vitamins. Steer clear of chemical laden lipsticks that can cause your lips to wrinkle.
  • Cover your lips with plumping lipstick and then glam it up with a lip gloss. Lip gloss adds to the appeal of the lips and also makes them look fuller and plumper.

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