Tea makes you calm, it excites you, and it brings down the stress and can even soothe your senses. Read on to learn about tea nutritional facts.

Tea Nutrition Facts

Tea is the world’s second most popular beverage after water which can quite strangely be enjoyed both in the comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company. Tea is prepared by leaves of Camellia sinensis plant. There are mainly 6 different types of tea made from the same species of the plant but with different processing techniques. Tea has a long history of being used as a beverage and also widely being used to treat few health conditions in ancient China. Today tea has become a part and parcel of everyday life. It is its refreshing quality that starts off the day for people and continues to cheer them up, calm them down and soothe them all through the day. Tea today has also become a subject of extensive scientific research and studies, which highlights the medicinal and other beneficial qualities of tea. Let us gain some knowledge on the nutritional benefits of tea by going through the details of this article.

Health Benefits Of Tea 

  • Tea is rich in polyphenols, a kind of an antioxidant that helps in neutralizing the free radicals. Free radicals are oxidizing molecules that are capable of causing damage to the blood vessels. Consumption of about five cups of tea on a daily basis contributes in keeping a high level of antioxidants in the bloodstream that help in reducing toxins from the blood.
  • A study conducted on women in Japan reveals that any woman consuming less than 5 cups of tea in a day is more prone to suffer strokes. Tea contains phenols that help in preventing the oxidization of cholesterol, thereby preventing any possible damage to the blood vessels.
  • Green tea is considered to be the best remedy for risk from cancer, arteriosclerosis, infective intestine diseases and liver infections. Green tea also helps in lowering the cholesterol level in a person, assists the weight loss process and also strengthens the cognitive abilities.
  • Tea, because of its antioxidant and other nutritional values, also helps in strengthening the immune system of a person. Regular consumption of tea by a person will make his/her immune system healthy and capable of prohibiting infections of any kind.
  • Tea prevents the rise of homocysteine which is considered to be a factor leading to cardiovascular diseases. Tea contains Vitamin M which is a B complex vitamin that prevents cancerous cells from developing and it also improves and maintains the healthy state of the nervous system, the eyes and other complex functioning systems of the body.
  • Green tea is a good soother of both mind and body. Green tea contains L-thiamine amino acid that helps in this calming effect of mind and body. The L- Thiamine affects the central nervous system that causes a sense of euphoria, optimism and serenity along with neutralizing the vigour that accompanies the consumption of caffeine in tea.
  • Tea, because of all its nutritional properties also enhances the health and glow of your skin. Consuming tea on a regular basis promotes younger looking skin by destroying free radicals.
  • Tea can also help and reduce thermogenesis in the body which further helps in aiding the weight loss process. It is the oolong tea—that falls somewhere between green and black tea—which is more efficient compared to green tea when it comes to weight loss. This particular tea contains fat burning properties as well.
  • Tea is also helpful in dealing with and preventing certain cancerous or tumour cells from affecting the body. Few epidemiological studies have shown that person who drinks large quantity of tea has a lower risk of certain cancers, especially stomach cancer, cancer of the digestive system and bladder cancer.
  • Tea to some extent also helps in preventing diabetes in a person. Tea improves the insulin sensitivity or the glucose tolerance of the body, thereby lowering the risk of increase in the blood sugar level in the body.
  • Tea, if regularly consumed, can also provide protection against cardiovascular diseases. It helps reduce the stiffness of the blood vessels and lower the blood pressure, which helps in improving the cardiovascular health.

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