Sleep apnea comes with the telltale signs like irritability, dizziness, mood swings and more. Check the following symptoms of sleep apnea to know more on this.

Signs Of Sleep Apnea

You brushed your teeth, put on your PJ’s, slathered on night creams, used the bathroom and now it’s time for catch some Z's! You hit the sack, tuck in the sheets and doze off for the night. However, in the middle of your sleep, you find yourself gasping for breath and trying hard to push down some air down your throat. Sleep apnea is a life-threatening condition primarily conditioned by low breathing during sleep that can prove fatal if not corrected on time. During sleep apnea, the patient tends to drown in his or her own flesh, thereby causing difficulty in breathing. Of all the things that make sleep apnea a big pain is ‘snoring’. Anybody who has ended up with a snoring partner or parent probably knows that it’s no fun cuddling up with someone who sounds like a blender mashing margaritas while asleep. If not treated on time, sleep apnea can intervene with your good night’s sleep and cause long-term health complications as well. Scroll down the following symptom of sleep apnea and know more on its telltale signs.
Symptoms Of Sleep Apnea 
  • Does your dad, mom, boyfriend, or even Uncle Tom or Aunt Jessie snore at different decibels, making it difficult for you to get a good night’s sleep? Well, before you snub them for tearing into the night with their ear-splitting snores, know that snoring is a key symptom of sleep apnea. During sleep apnea, the muscles of the upper body tend to loosen up, thereby obstructing the airway, thus not only causing one to snore loudly, but also starving the brain and heart of oxygen.
  • Do you find it terribly hard to get through the day? Does your head feel heavy, your mind seems muffed and you struggle to sit straight and concentrate on your basic chores? Well, drowsiness is one of the key signs of sleep apnea. Trouble in breathing while sleeping can leave one with a multitude of problems, and lethargy being one of the prime concerns. Sleep apnea can cause excessive daytime tiredness, resulting in poor productivity and a toppled routine.
  • People who suffer from sleep apnea are often plagued by bouts of morning headaches, strong enough to cripple their day. Sleep-disordered breathing can cause cluster headaches due to a decrease in carbon dioxide response and lower oxygen saturation levels in the body. The partial or complete closure of the upper airway during sleep can result in chronic fatigue resulting in headaches.
  • Do you wake up in the middle of the night to take deep breaths, or do you gasp and choke while breathing in your sleep? Of all the things that can mess up with your good night’s sleep, breathlessness or gasping for breath in between snooze hours can indeed toss out your peace out of the window. Breathlessness is indeed a life-threatening urgent situation that can cause a host of other health impediments.
  • Have you been feeling down the dumps of late, with no plausible explanation to your cause? Well, if you feel ill-tempered, miserable or suffer from recurrent mood swings, then beware, for you may be suffering from sleep apnea. People bogged down with sleep apnea often tend to get cantankerous and exhibit out of the ordinary behavior, all thanks to the life-threatening sleep disorder that can throw our well-being out of control.

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