Although a diet high in protein has its own benefits, too much protein comes along with its own set of side effects. Read the article to know the negative effects of excess protein consumption.

Side Effects Of Too Much Protein In The Diet

An essential part of any healthy diet, proteins form the building blocks of our muscles, blood, immune system and more. They give structure to hair and fingernails through ligaments. The lens of the eye is made of pure crystalline proteins, thus helping with the sight. Some of the valuable food sources, through which the human body gets protein, include peas, beans, lentils, soy products, seeds and nuts. While lack of protein in the diet can cause kwashiorkor, a condition that can lead to loss of muscle mass, stunted growth, impaired immunity and weakening of the circulatory and respiratory systems, too much protein can create a number of problems as well. There are many red flags of excess protein that can cause medical concerns. Read on further to know some of the side effects of too much protein in the diet.
Negative Effects Of Excess Protein Consumption
  • Extra proteins can cause kidney problems in people. A diet with too much protein stresses up the kidneys, making it difficult for them to function. This can also result in the development of kidney stones.
  • Consuming a diet high in carbohydrates and low in fats can lead to less consumption of fiber, thus resulting in excess protein in the body. This can in turn, lead to constipation.
  • Another important side effect of too much protein is the accumulation of ketones in the blood, a condition that is known as ketosis. The kidneys flush out excess proteins along with water, which can lead to dehydration, thus making you feel weak and tired.
  • The amount of calcium required by the body increases with the amount of protein consumed. If your body in unable to get the minimum required calcium, it will start leeching out calcium from your bones. This condition can become worse and lead to osteoporosis, where the bones tend to become brittle and break off easily.
  • While handling excess protein, kidneys become unable to process uric acid quickly, thus leading to gout, a type of arthritis. Uric acid accumulates in the joints, hence causing pain and tenderness.
  • High protein foods that come from animal sources are very high in fats. Excess fat can lead to a rise in cholesterol, eventually putting you at a greater risk of developing heart disease. In case the high protein foods are high in calories, you are likely to gain weight easily.
  • Studies show that women who consume excess proteins are more likely to have broken wrists, as compared to women who eat less protein.
  • Other side effects of too much protein include hypertension, dizziness, fatigue, headache, nausea, diabetes, cataracts, arteriosclerosis, different kinds of allergies and increase in the acid content in blood.

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