With age, both the physical as well as the mental health of human beings tends to deteriorate. Find out how you can help senior citizens retain their mental agility through memory improvement games.

Memory Games For Seniors

A healthy mind rests in a healthy body. Though many of us preach this philosophy with relative ease, most of us are more than likely to have forgotten to actually practice it. People are known to engage much more in physical activity to maintain youthfulness than in keeping their minds even half as well-exercised. Hardly a thought is spared for sustaining the alertness and agility of the aging mind, which is basically the seat of all processes, regenerative or degenerative. If the mind is young, the body tends to age slower. It is a fact that with time our brain wears out and forgetfulness is one of the most common symptoms. Though forgetfulness cannot be categorized as an illness in itself, it can be a telling symptom of other underlying diseases like Alzheimer’s or Dementia. The degree of forgetfulness often indicates the seriousness of the disease. But then every memory loss is not Alzheimer or Dementia. So if a senior member of your family is dealing with a failing memory, here are some memory games that will help.
Memory Improvement Games For Seniors
Keeping the brain active is the best way to keep it fit. As people age, not only memory loss but also a host of other problems like loneliness and health complications start surfacing. Memory improvement games can help in reducing the severity of some of these problems, so listed here are a few you can start with:
  • Crossword puzzles are good entertainers for the young and old alike. If your grandparents or parents are interested in word games, crossword puzzles are the best way of keeping them pleasantly engaged. If he or she is mathematically-inclined, Sudoku is a good option to keep the brain from going dull. It will be a good stress-buster as well, for both their mental as well as physically fitness.
  • Indulging in hobbies is a great way to improve concentration. This can help regain memory and even trigger better mental responses.
  • They would love to re-visit their younger days through scrapbooks or photo albums. What you can do is to try some memory boosting questions in the process such as asking them to try and remember where the photograph was taken or who it was taken by, or even the year in which it was clicked. It is more like a review of the past which prods them into jogging their memory and keeping their grey matter sharp.
  • You can also hang some of these photos on the walls of their rooms, so that every time a senior catches a glimpse of them, they remind them of days gone by.
  • Seniors tend to forget the names of even those under their noses, so it will be a great idea to ask them to name as many relatives as possible from their photographs.
  • Building up imaginary stories can help, too. For this game you have a group of seniors from your neighborhood meet up. Ask one of them to start a story; it can be about anything. Start your story like this: ‘I went trekking the other day…’ and give each one of them a chance to add something to the story. This will make them work on their imagination and improve their memory.
  • Help them write daily journals. Help them visualize the whole day while doing this. This will help them remember the various incidents that happened during the day and be more aware, subsequently, of their existence.
  • Engaging them in a conversation where they talk about their past is a great idea.
  • By making them play online games, not only are you helping them improve their memory, but also exposing them to newer skills.

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