A muscle pull or stretched muscle, sometimes, could be exceptionally painful. In this article, check out how to treat a muscle pull.

How To Treat A Muscle Pull

The problem of muscle pull arises when a muscle is stretched beyond its capability, or stretched too far, and some of the muscle fibers get split. Muscle strain can vary from mild, moderate to severe, in proportion to the amount of muscle torn. Generally a mild muscle pull is characterized by mild discomfort, without any disability, while a moderately stretched muscle cause pain and often limit the ability to execute high level activities. Undoubtedly, a severe pull leads to significant pain and problems, like muscle spasm, swelling, and bruising. Severe muscle pull could be highly painful, calling for proper treatment. The treatment for all types of stretched muscle is more or less same yet their frequency may differ. Read further to know what can be done in order to treat a muscle pull.
Rest - Rest is usually suggested for the initial recovery phase- 1 to 5 days, compliant with the severity of the injury. Immobilization is not always compulsory, besides it can be potentially harmful. Doctors usually recommend observing immobilization in a splint or cast, after check-up. Otherwise, it can cause muscle stiffness.  
Ice - Application of ice helps in reducing pain, swelling, and bleeding. It should be started as soon as possible, after supporting a muscle pull. Ice applications can be done repeatedly though should not be done for more than 15 minutes at a time.
Anti-Inflammatory Medications - Suchmedications, by and large, help to reduce swelling and pain. These medications do possibly have side effects, so one must check with a doctor before starting any anti-inflammatory gels or ointments.  
Moderate Stretching - Stretching helps to strengthen the muscles. It is beneficial in treatment as well as prevention of muscle strain injuries. Muscles, which are stronger and more flexible, are less probable to be injured.
Strengthening - After any muscle injury, it is essential to reclaim strength prior to resume athletic activities. Both the injury and the rest period after the injury can lessen the muscle strength. Muscles that are strong are less probable to get a re-injury.
Heat Applications - Studies at laboratory have revealed that temperature can influence the stiffness in muscles. If body and muscles are kept warm, the muscles are less probable to get a strain-type injury.
Avoid Muscle Fatigue - Muscles helps to absorb energy and that why, re-injury can be prevented by restoring the strength to the muscle. Muscles, which are weary, are more probable to be injured.

Proper Warm-Up - Warming up, prior to exercising, athletic competition or sports, is important because it helps to relax the muscle and thereby prevent injuries. There is a higher possibility of straining the muscle if one gets into a sport with stiff muscles.

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