Kids with a sense of tact can save you from unexpected embarrassment. In the article below are given tips to teach your kids a sense of tact.

How To Teach Kids A Sense Of Tact

Kids are always in the danger of blowing their mouth with no contact with the mind. And if they are not taught the sensitivity of acting or speaking without offending then be ready to face the embarrassment. Take for example, that you are in a funeral, teary eyed and trying hard to mourn. Suddenly your kid blurts out “mummy, didn’t you say that the old fart died because he used to drink like a dog”. Wouldn’t you have wished that the ground opened and swallowed you both? Incidents like this are many and almost every parent has faced such a scenario. On the hindsight tactlessness in kids can be funny (for others that is), but if you leave it like that, the horrors are unimaginable. The problem is not with the children as they are too innocent to know what is right and what is wrong. To develop a sense of tact in children is not easy, as you have to ‘pound’ it in them. Not physically but mentally. Punishment never leads to any good. And never mistake tactlessness as a sign of innocence. In the article below are given various tips on how you can teach a sense of tact to your kids.
Teaching Your Kids A Sense Of Tact
Start Young
Start teaching your kids how to speak and behave in front of people, as early as possible. That does not mean that you brush it into a one year old. Toddlers do not have any control over their faculties, they cannot comprehend anything. So, train your kids as soon as they develop the sense of rationality. Explain to them what is right and wrong, and when people can get hurt. Make the kid understand how he/she will be hurt if other people said the same thing to him or her.
Role- playing
Enact real life situations to make the kid have a complete grasp of the matter. Before going to any event, brief the kid, strictly, of all the dos and don’ts that he or she is expected to follow. Always remember that preparation is the key, so prepare your child to do the right thing. However kids can be impulsive so always be on your guard.
Reward your child for being polite but take care that he or she doesn’t become dependent on it. Teach your child that tactfulness is ultimately for his or her own good. In younger kids you can also promise them rewards if they follow what you taught them.
Confront Bad Behavior
Do not delay in making your child understand that he or she is not on his good behavior. But do not reprimand as it may lead to the kid throwing tantrums. Instead it is a good opportunity to make him go through the entire situation, and show him how the adults are behaving and where the child has gone wrong.
You must take into account that kids have a very hard time controlling themselves. So, if you are going for any formal occasion, give him time to release the steam. For them staying silent for two minutes is an enormous burden. Tell them that if they have any questions, then instead of blurting it out, it is better to whisper it out to them.

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