Surviving high school is not really a cakewalk. To know how to survive high school without goofing up your chances, read on.

How To Survive High School

If you thought that high school is all about prom nights, fests and loads of fun, you could be in for a big surprise! Agreed, high schools are fun, but there is more to these crucial four years of your life than just friends and fests. Dealing with the transition from junior school to high school is never really an easy one. After all this is one crucial time where things begin to complicate and you are left with the bigger task of deciding for yourself. One wrong choice and your life can become a living nightmare. Hook ups and heart breaks, demanding study hours and a busy life can just add to your woes. If you wish to score high on your high school years and make it one of the most cherished years of your life, then checking out the following few tips on how to survive high school should make things breeze for you. To know more on ways to survive high school, read on.
Surviving High School
  • High school years can be anything but a walk in the park with tons of assignments, quizzing coursework and demanding classes leaving you up the creek. However, that does not necessarily mean you dig your nose deep into books and miss all the fun. Be a social butterfly and go communal skydiving! Catch up with as many new people as you can, chat up with strangers and make new friends to charm your way and have a real fun time while you are at it.
  • Imagine this: You are out with your friends on a Saturday night and is the only person sitting on the corner table with nothing to say and pretty much nothing to do while your gal pals fire up the dance floor. Well, nobody like to play solitaire at a party right! So dump your hang-ups, head for the floor, and give your cronies a run for their money.  The cue is to interact and participate. Don’t be a wallflower! Actively participating in competitions, debates, sports and academics will just leave your self-esteem on a high. So go for it!
  • While it’s important to have fun, you cannot really afford to blow up your grades on a pajama party or late night premiere shows. Remember, it’s always studies before fun.  Always finish your homework and keep your daily assignments handy. In that way, you will save yourself from bungling up your grades and banging your head before the exam time.
  • Remember, a man is known by the company he keeps! Choose your friends wisely and avoid falling into the “peer pressure” trap. Easier said than done! Teens are easily attracted to alcohol, drugs and sex and may often go astray under wrong influences. Hence, practice utmost caution while choosing your company and be safe.
  • Agree or not, nothing makes a more uber chic statement than cool casuals and stylish accessories when in high school. That however doesn’t mean you dress up in dainty frills or land up in cowboy pants in your classroom. Layer your shirts, or teem up a funky t-shirt with jeans for a chic style statement. And yes, don’t forget to wear that smile.

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