It is essential to shave your bikini area in the proper manner, without any irritation. Check out the tips given here on how to have an irritation free pubic shave.

How To Shave Your Bikini Area Without Irritation

Shaving or removing unwanted body hair around the bikini area has been a struggle for women and teen girls throughout the ages. The onset of puberty brings forth many physical changes, along with physiological changes, in the female body. Increased hair growth, particularly around the pubic area, is one of the major significant changes that can be seen during this time and often females resort to hair removal techniques to get rid of the excess unwanted hair. Pubic shaving originated thousands of years ago. in parts of ancient Greece and Egypt. where prostitutes resorted to this technique for hygienic reasons. This also served as a clear indication - a sign of their profession. However, it was only during the late 1980s that the procedure gained a strong foothold among the masses.
Today, the technique of removing pubic hair is widely used by people all over the world, for hygienic reasons as well as a part of the prevailing trend. This is particularly very important while wearing a bathing suit or a swimsuit, as wearing such attires comes with the increased pressure of avoiding the reveal of pubic hair. Hence, people resort to shaving or other removal techniques like laser treatment, hair removal lotions and so on. However, if not done in the correct manner, the procedure can result in certain conditions like razor burns, blisters, bumps, cuts, genital infection, folliculitis and itching. To help you avoid such conditions while shaving, we have provided certain tips in the lines below. Read on and know how to shave your bikini area without irritation.
Tips To Have An Irritation Free Pubic Shave 
  • Before starting with the actual process of removing the pubic hair, it is essential to trim it, as long pubic hair can clog or even break your razor. Use small sharp scissors for the purpose and trim the hair to about quarter of an inch.
  • Proper lubrication of the area is very essential, prior to shaving, as pubic hair is much coarser as compared to the hair in the other parts of the body. The best way to soften it is by soaking in a hot bath or standing under a hot shower for a long time. This way it will not only become softer, but you will also be bale to prevent any kind of skin irritation.
  • After properly cleaning the pubic area, use a clean towel to dry the area completely.
  • Another essential step before pubic shaving is making use of a cream, foam or a shaving gel. However, ensure that the product is suitable for your skin and does not cause any harmful effects. Strictly avoid the use of any soap, as this wont lather or soften the area and may cause irritation.
  • The use of a proper shaving razor is equally important and it would be particularly wise on your part if you invest in a good quality product. This will help prevent any cuts and soreness in the area and will ensure a smooth shave. Avoid a disposable or a switchblade razor as this might cause rashes, although they work wonders with a man’s beard.
  • Start by applying a conditioning gel over the area and shave in the same direction as the direction of the hair growth. Usage of excessive pressure should be avoided. Keep it smooth and soft and re-apply the shaving gel, if required.
  • Once done, use a soft and dry towel to slowly pat the area clean and apply a salicylic acid acne cream, in case you are prone to develop ingrown hair.

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