If you have a defiant child and are troubled with how to manage him/her, we are here to help you out. Read on to know some of the best tips for managing defiant children.

How To Manage A Defiant Child

Defiant children pose a great challenge to parents, when it comes to managing and controlling them. They are often aggressive and highly frustrated and are led by their whims. They normally deny abiding by any norms and believe themselves to be as much powerful as their adults. Defiant behavior in children, if it happens occasionally, is quite a normal phenomenon, but in some children, this disposition forms the main trait. In such cases, they need to be treated with the right technique. If you have a defiant child and are considering how you can manage him/her, we bring you some helpful tips in the lines below.
Tips For Managing Defiant Children 
  • Be patient while dealing with your defiant child. Try to find out the reason behind his aggressive behavior. He may be behaving so either in expectance of a reward or in fear of the punishment.
  • Do not be furious if your child declines to obey you at the first instant. Be cool and handle the situation calmly. Remember that your child is watching you. So, if you lose your temper, the child is sure to follow your steps.
  • Set a list of rules and regulations for your defiant child. However, make sure that these are not too heavy to be borne by him/her. Do not forget that he is still a child and you need to deal with him firmly, but softly.
  • Make it known to your child that there will be consequences for his misbehavior. Be sure to lay down the consequences beforehand.
  • Do not postpone the consequences of your child’s misbehavior. What is more effective is the immediacy of the consequences, not the severity.
  • You should be strict towards your child. Be consistent in your strictness and do not let it fade away in a day or two. Otherwise, he/she will take your threats as bluff and will not pay heed to them.
  • Make your child follow a disciplined behavior throughout. You can, of course, be a bit lenient towards your child once in a while, but make sure that he/she does not mistake it to be the end of all rules and regulations.
  • Share quality time with your child. Listen to all what he/she has to say and comes across as a good friend for him/her.
  • Watch movies with your child, play his/her favorite games or go for some outing of his/her choice. This will make him/her grow attached to you and he will also develop more respect for you and your words.
  • Encourage your child in his hobbies and interest areas. Do not push him/her into studies always. Appreciate his talents regularly and reward him occasionally. This will make him feel that you really love him/her and care for him/her.
  • In case, despite using the above steps for a long period, your child’s behavior does not change, seek the help of a professional.

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