Paraffin wax is the perfect material to produce any kind of candle. Read on to learn how to make paraffin candles here in this write up.

How To Make Paraffin Candles

Candles today have become a symbol of goodwill, luck and peace. Candles come in different shapes and colors today and are used not only to get rid of darkness, but also as a gifts and keepsakes. The origin of candle making can be traced back to ancient Greeks and Egyptian times when beeswax was used to make candles. Today, candles are made out of different types of wax, one of them being ‘paraffin wax’ which was introduced to the industry in the 1850s. Paraffin is a by-product of the crude oil refining process. Raw paraffin wax is white in colour, has no odour or taste and has a melting point ranging between 110 – 1500F. Today, paraffin is one of the most preferred materials for making candles because it is inexpensive when compared to other materials and it also burns well and for long. Paraffin can also be mixed with colours and scents which allows the manufacturer to produce different types of fancy candles. Mentioned below are some tips that will help you make a simple candle out of paraffin at home.

Making Paraffin Candles

Materials Required
  • Candle thermometer
  • Paraffin wax
  • Candle dye
  • Double boiler
  • Milk carton
  • Essential oils
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Hot glue
  • Tabbed and primed wick 
  • Cut the paraffin wax for it to fit on top of the double boiler that you have. Place the double boiler with the paraffin wax over medium-high heat to melt the wax until it reaches 200 degrees F.
  • Make sure that you maintain the temperature at 200 degrees F and do not allow the wax to reach a temperature above 300 degrees F. If the wax reaches above 300 degrees F it might scorch and catch fire.
  • Now, slowly add the candle dye to the melted wax. Paraffin wax does not need a lot of dye. Add drops of the dye into the wax or shave off a candle dye block with a potato peeler.
  • Stir the candle wax until the dye mixes well. Now add essential oils to the paraffin wax. You might have to try out different essential oils, since different oils have different strengths. To be on the safer side, add 1 oz of essential oils to a pound of paraffin wax. Stir the essential oils until they mix well with the wax.
  • Cut the top of the milk carton to the size you want the holder to be. Apply the hot glue to the bottom of a tabbed and primed wick and place it in the centre of the milk carton.
  • Now pour the liquid wax into the cut milk carton. Make sure to keep the wick in place. You can do this by placing the popsicle sticks on both sides.
  • Let the wax cool down and harden. Melt some more candle wax of the same colour and scent and pour it over into the sinkhole that is made once the candle hardens.
  • Let the wax harden and then tear the cardboard off the milk carton and trim the wick to ¼ of an inch and your paraffin candle is ready to use.

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