In case you are wondering how to increase your vertical jump, check out the exercises and tips given below.

How To Increase Your Vertical Jump

Your ability to undertake a high vertical jump serves as an advantage in a number of games, like volleyball and basketball. The best thing about a vertical jump is that by working upon your legs muscles, you can easily increase the height which you are able to attain in a single jump. Though it does require time, effort and patience to achieve it, increasing your vertical jump is not something that is impossible. In case you are looking for some tips to improve your vertical jump, make use of the ones given in the lines below.  
Tips to Improve Your Vertical Jump
  • Before any workout, make sure to warm up your muscles. At the same time, make sure to indulge in extensive leg stretches. This will help you prepare your body for explosive activities, such as jumping.
  • Jumping rope is another exercise that can contribute to your vertical jump. At the same time, it is very good for cardiovascular conditioning. Make sure not to skip this exercise.
  • Sprinting is another activity that builds up the muscles in your legs, thus leading to increase in your jumping ability.
  • Whenever you climb stairs, don’t walk. Rather run up the steps, that too on your toes. Initially, run one step at a time. Gradually, go to two steps at a time. You can also run up the steps, walk down and then run again.
  • Indulge in rigorous exercise only five days in a week and the rest two days, let your legs rest. You need to maintain the exercise program, therefore rest is essential. 
Exercises to Increase Your Vertical Jump
Elevated Jumps
  • Place a step bench or platform on the ground.
  • Stand on the platform.
  • Jump backward onto the ground, making sure to land softly.
  • Immediately after, jump back onto the platform, with a bouncing motion.
  • Do three sets, of 10 repetitions each. Rest for 30-60 seconds between sets. 
Explosive Leg Jumps
  • Place a step bench or platform on the ground.
  • Place your right foot on the platform.
  • Putting pressure on the right leg, jump as high as you can.
  • When air borne, scissor your legs.
  • Land with your left foot on the platform and right foot on the floor.
  • Repeat the exercise, this time with the left foot on the platform.
  • Do three sets, of 10 repetitions each. Rest for 30-60 seconds between sets. 
Double Jumps
  • Stand on the ground.
  • Keep your legs joined together.
  • Jump as high as possible.
  • As soon as you land on ground, jump again, using less effort than before.
  • Do three sets, of 10 repetitions each. Rest for 30-60 seconds between sets.

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