Do you find it extremely difficult to remember day-to-day things? Improving poor working memory is quintessential for every day living. Read the tips to know how to improve your working memory.

How To Improve Working Memory

Do you find it a cinch to remember long pin numbers and passwords, but can’t manage to remember easy things, such as where you left your car keys last night or where you kept your wallet? Most of us counter countless facts daily, only to remember a handful of things at the end of the day. However, that does not necessarily imply that you have got a frail memory. It is just that of all the things and facts you tend to take in all throughout a day, only a part of it gets filtered through the brain box. That possibly explains why you usually miss out on that one or two grocery items, despite of much brain racking, when away at the departmental stores. Working memory is something that we use in our every day life to accomplish our daily tasks, such as memorizing passwords, phone numbers, names, address and more. If you are one of those few people who tend to have a problem remembering day to day things, don’t despair. It’s confirmed that with a little extra care and effort, one can boost retention capacities to the hilt. Here are some interesting tips on how to improve your day to day working memory. Read on for more on this.
Tips On Improving Working Memory
  • Eating right to think straight! Surprised! Here’s is how it works. Just like a car, that feeds on fuel to run, your brain too needs fuel to think and process. Thus, it is important to keep your brain boosted with wholesome diet that is rich in omega-3 fats and antioxidants. So, generously gorge on berries, spinach, and broccoli for a shot of extra memory. Also, it is important to eat more often to keep the brain from starving out of energy.
  • Of all the things that can possibly boost your retention, music certainly ranks high. Experts have found that music, especially classical music, preps up brainpower and enhances retention abilities. So, next time you fail to remember where you left your keys, tune in to your beat box.
  • It is found that higher levels of stress can freeze your brain and cause your mind to go blank, which isn’t very good news for your memory. Even minor stress can impair your cognitive skills and cause brain block. If you wish to remember more things at work, just dump the stress and relax. It will help you sort out your work and life in a better way.
  • Most often we tend to skip things not because of frail memory, but due to poor attention, which explains why we tend to forget name, just after we have met someone. A deliberate attempt to remember things, however, can put you in a better position. Listen carefully and try to retain the information in mind. This might help you to remember things better.
  • Brain filters information randomly, which explains why we fail to recall a certain item while on a grocery shopping. How often you have landed up in a grocery shop and gone blank wondering at the list of items you wished to buy? This is a common symptom that plagues many. However with a little care, you can fight away the memory blues. If you can just manage to cue the things, chances are that you might very well recall what those things were.
  • A little bit of brain exercise can go a long way to save your memory from passing out. Just try this simple mental exercise and experience the difference. The trick is to calm down completely while reclining on a couch and start your exercise by paying attention to yourself. Try to recall back all the activities of the day and remember as many things, events, names, faces as possible. Keep repeating this exercise. Doing so will make your mind more agile.
  • Another interesting way to improve your memory is to enhance your senses. This is a simple task that is likely to leave you with great memory. All you have to do is sensitize your senses by doing simple activities like eating, washing or even dressing up with eyes closed. This will heighten the sensitivity of your senses and boost retention.
  • A brisk walk can leave your brain with more than one reason to thank for! Walking is known to boost blood flow to the brain. More blood would mean more oxygen and more energy in your brain. This simple aerobic workout can help your brain get rid of the clutter and think and retain more clearly.

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