Do you want to know how to get rid of tooth stains? If yes, then explore the tips given in the article and learn how to get rid of yellow teeth.

How To Get Rid Of Tooth Stains

Teeth do not get stained overnight. Rather, staining is a slow process, which occurs primarily due to the lack of oral hygiene. Other factors contributing to the condition are smoking, irregular dental check-ups and bad eating habits. No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to wear that million dollar smile, with stained teeth. Therefore, it is important to get rid of the discoloration as soon as you spot it. With the tips given in the article, you will know how to get rid of tooth stains easily.
How To Get Rid Of Yellow Teeth 
  • The first and foremost requirement for getting rid of tooth stains is good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. In case your teeth are stained badly, then brushing them after every meal is suggested.
  • Teeth whitening products serve as a surefire way of removing stubborn stains. While many toothpastes claim to have whitening "agent" as their key ingredient, it is better to go for a real teeth whitening product, such as strips and peroxide solutions.
  • Using baking soda makes up a natural teeth whitening method. Soak your toothbrush in cool water, dip the tips of its surface in baking soda and then brush your teeth with it. After a few days, you will find fewer stains on your teeth. To get rid of the salty taste, brush your teeth once again, this time with paste and not the baking soda.
  • You may add a few drops of lemon juice on the surface of the toothbrush and brush your teeth with it. Though a slow process, this is a sure-shot natural remedy for stained teeth.
  • To get rid of stubborn tooth discoloration, caused by nicotine, brush your teeth with a paste, formed by mixing baking soda and peroxide solution. Make use of an electric toothbrush, for best results.
  • Regular use of mouthwash is suggested, if you have tooth stains, because it is considered to be one of the best ways to get rid of the problem. It not only banishes bad breath, but also helps the teeth remain stain-free.
  • Avoid eating sticky food. In case you can't help stop eating such food items, make sure that you floss your mouth immediately after their consumption.
  • Floss your mouth with clear water, after you eat or drink anything. This lessens the formation of plaque, which is a major contributor towards tooth stains.
  • Drink water after every meal. You may also consume it a few minutes after drinking tea, coffee, sugary drinks and soda.
  • Sugarless gums are also considered as effective as water. Chew gum right after drinking tea, coffee, sugary drinks and soda.
  • Inculcate the habit of eating crunchy foods, like celery, apples, pears and carrot. After breaking into smaller pieces, these food stuff rub against your teeth, thereby discarding the tiny pieces of leftover food that you have already eaten. 
  • You should reduce the consumption of sugary drinks and soda. This is because the content of such aerated drinks leads to quick discoloration of teeth.
  • Visit your dentist, for a dental check up, after every six months. Increase the frequency of your visit, in case your teeth are severely discolored.
  • Extrinsic tooth stains are caused by tobacco. The consumption of nicotine, in any form, is harmful for your overall health as well as that of your teeth. Therefore, quit smoking and chewing tobacco. If quitting is not possible, at least reduce the frequency. People with such a habit should never forget to brush their teeth right after consuming tobacco or smoking, if they do not want to have dirty dark brown or black stains on their teeth.

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