Phlegm is a sticky fluid that gets attached to the lining of your bronchial tubes and lungs and getting rid of it is essential. Read on to find some useful tips on how to get rid of phlegm.

How To Get Rid Of Phlegm

Phlegm is a sticky film that is filled with infection-fighting substances, like glycoproteins and immunoglobulins. It attaches itself to the lining of your bronchial tubes and lungs. Usually, when phlegm begins to get coughed up, it is to be seen as an indicator that the substance should be expelled from the body. Phlegm serves many important functions, which include preventing dust, allergens, pollutants and infectious agents from entering our lungs. However, excess phlegm may result in running nose, throat congestion, fluid and a sensation of fluid wetting through back of the throat. Read the article for some useful tips on how to get rid of phlegm.
Getting Rid Of Phlegm 
  • It is essential to stay hydrated to get rid of phlegm. Drink 8-10 glasses of water in a day, as it will make your phlegm thin, making it easier for you to expectorate it. Do not swallow the phlegm, because swallowing will reintroduce it to your lung system.
  • Using an OTC nasal saline spray will also be of much help in reducing the thickness of your phlegm. It will further make your nasopharyngeal phlegm thin. The more watery the phlegm gets, the easier it is to get rd of it. Nasal spray will especially help, if you are suffering from a sinus infection or flu.
  • Dryness in your surrounding atmosphere often thickens the phlegm, making it difficult for you to get rid of it. You need to increase humidity in the ambience of your home. For this purpose, a humidifier will work best. However, for a good temporary arrangement, even a simple stream from a hot shower will do.
  • In case you are suffering from viral or bacterial infection and experiencing excess phlegm, you can consider taking an oral decongestant medicine. However, it is better to consult a doctor before taking any medication. Oral decongestants will help in lessening nasal swelling and mucosal phlegm production, which will facilitate getting rid of the existing phlegm.
  • If the excess phlegm problem is due to seasonal allergies, you should consider using an oral antihistamine. Histamine release in excess can stimulate the production of mucous and phlegm. To relieve yourself of phlegm, there is a need to block that production.
  • Be in an upright or seated position whenever possible, as gravity allows the drainage of phlegm. While sleeping, elevate the head of your bed, if possible. An alternative is to use 2 pillows, instead of one. This will also help in phlegm drainage. 
Don’t take a cough suppressant to get rid of phlegm quickly. Cough medicines, not labeled as expectorants, will only aggravate your phlegm problem. Anything which works to numb the pain of a cough or suppress cough, allows for more build up of phlegm and mucous. Shutting off the mechanism that are meant to produce productive coughs in the body through medicines will prolog the phlegm problem and then, it will take a long time to get rid of it.

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